Task Information
Finished! This task(id=18) is finished, the results are as follows. The results are also sent as e-mail to simoneattanasio11@gmail.com.
Protein 1: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1ANF; Protein sequence: KIEEGKLVIWINGDKGYNGL ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A63E no-change -
2 I317E no-change -
3 W230E no-change -
4 W232E no-change -
5 W340E no-change -
6 W62E no-change -
7 Y155E no-change -
8 Y242E no-change -
9 Y210A no-change -
10 Y283D decrease -
Protein 2: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1BLI; Protein sequence: LNGTLMQYFEWYMPNDGQHW ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A388I no-change -
2 A388K no-change -
3 A388D no-change -
4 A388Q no-change -
5 A388F decrease -
6 D399V no-change -
7 D399V no-change -
8 D399E no-change -
9 D399N no-change -
Protein 3: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1CV2; Protein sequence: GAKPFGEKKFIEIKGRRMAY ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 Q154L no-change -
2 M128V no-change -
3 P36L no-change -
4 P200R increase -
5 H82R no-change -
6 Y127H no-change -
7 L86Q no-change -
Protein 4: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1DWP; Protein sequence: MVTAHFVLIHTICHGAWIWH ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 H103A no-change -
2 H103C no-change -
3 H103D no-change -
4 H103E no-change -
5 H103F no-change -
6 H103G no-change -
7 H103I no-change -
8 H103K no-change -
9 H103L no-change -
10 H103M increase -
11 H103N no-change -
12 H103P no-change -
13 H103Q no-change -
14 H103R no-change -
15 H103S no-change -
16 H103T no-change -
17 H103V no-change -
18 H103W no-change -
19 H103Y no-change -
20 K176P decrease -
21 K199P increase -
22 K224P increase -
Protein 5: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1FGA; Protein sequence: PKRLYCKNGGFFLRIHPDGR ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 C68S no-change -
2 C50S decrease -
Protein 6: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1HK0_AF; Protein sequence: MGKITLYEDRGFQGRHYECS ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A36P decrease -
2 E107A decrease -
3 P24S decrease -
4 P24T decrease -
5 P24V no-change -
6 V76D decrease -
7 W43R decrease -
8 G61C decrease -
9 R77S decrease -
10 R37S decrease -
11 R59H decrease -
12 Y134A decrease -
Protein 7: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1HMY; Protein sequence: MIEIKDKQLTGLRFIDLFAG ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 M51L no-change -
2 V213S no-change -
Protein 8: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1HZW; Protein sequence: ELQYLGQIQHILRCGVRKDD ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 C14E increase -
2 D87N no-change -
3 D19N no-change -
4 D40K no-change -
5 D40N no-change -
6 K140L no-change -
7 R13D no-change -
8 R13N decrease -
9 R17E decrease -
Protein 9: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1IFR; Protein sequence: GSHRTSGRVAVEEVDEEGKF ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 W83R decrease -
2 A98V decrease -
3 G18V decrease -
4 N25I decrease -
5 L58P decrease -
Protein 10: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1J42; Protein sequence: SKRALVILAKGAEEMETVIP ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 E161K no-change -
2 C104S no-change -
3 K128R no-change -
Protein 11: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1LLS; Protein sequence: KIEEGKLVIWINGDKGYNGL ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A63E no-change -
2 I317E no-change -
3 W230E no-change -
4 W232E no-change -
5 W340E no-change -
6 W62E no-change -
7 Y155E no-change -
8 Y242E no-change -
9 Y210A no-change -
10 Y283D decrease -
Protein 12: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1MSC; Protein sequence: ASNFTQFVLVDNGGTGDVTV ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 Q109L increase -
2 I104V increase -
3 N27S no-change -
4 A107T no-change -
5 K66R increase -
6 A53E increase -
7 I94V increase -
8 Q40L increase -
Protein 13: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1MUY; Protein sequence: MQASQFSAQVLDWYDKYGRK ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 C199A no-change -
Protein 14: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1NZX; Protein sequence: AVPAPNQQPEVFCNQIFINN ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 Y197H no-change -
Protein 15: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1OKI; Protein sequence: PPGNYRLVVFELENFQGRRA ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 R179H decrease -
Protein 16: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1PFS; Protein sequence: MNIQITFTDSVRQGTSAKGN ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 H36F increase -
Protein 17: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1QGD; Protein sequence: SSRKELANAIRALSMDAVQK ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A28E no-change -
2 H460S no-change -
3 R519V no-change -
4 D468T decrease -
5 D468A decrease -
6 D258A no-change -
7 D258G no-change -
8 D258S decrease -
9 D258Y no-change -
10 R519Q increase -
11 D468Y no-change -
12 D468S decrease -
13 E497D no-change -
Protein 18: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1RGG_A; Protein sequence: DVSGTVCLSALPPEATDTLN ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 T76A increase -
2 T76C decrease -
3 T76D increase -
4 T76E increase -
5 T76F decrease -
6 T76G increase -
7 T76H no-change -
8 T76I decrease -
9 T76K increase -
10 T76L decrease -
11 T76M decrease -
12 T76N increase -
13 T76P decrease -
14 T76Q no-change -
15 T76R increase -
16 T76S increase -
17 T76V decrease -
18 T76W decrease -
19 T76Y decrease -
20 Q32D increase -
21 Q77D increase -
Protein 19: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1S5E_AF; Protein sequence: NDDKLYRADSRPPDEIKQSG ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 F31H decrease -
2 A103S no-change -
3 P185Q no-change -
4 I64S decrease -
5 L71S decrease -
Protein 20: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1UCF; Protein sequence: MASKRALVILAKGAEEMETV ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 E163K no-change -
2 L166P decrease -
3 C106S no-change -
4 K130R no-change -
Protein 21: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1W99; Protein sequence: TPERVWNDFMTNTGNLIDQT ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 I106L no-change -
2 L92V no-change -
Protein 22: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1XPB_AF; Protein sequence: ETLVKVKDAEDQLGARVGYI ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 N109Y decrease -
2 N109F decrease -
3 R216E increase -
4 D149R no-change -
5 D149V no-change -
6 M41S no-change -
7 T154V no-change -
8 L111T decrease -
9 I100A decrease -
10 T153N no-change -
11 T153I no-change -
12 P118Y decrease -
13 W183S increase -
14 D58R decrease -
15 L64R decrease -
16 K28P decrease -
17 L110N decrease -
18 D58I decrease -
19 E10H increase -
20 I100S decrease -
21 L110W decrease -
22 P118L decrease -
23 G117R decrease -
24 Y19A decrease -
25 T153Q no-change -
Protein 23: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1XSE; Protein sequence: NEKFRPEMLQGKKVIVTGAS ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 Y243E increase -
2 I252E increase -
3 F255E decrease -
4 L256E decrease -
Protein 24: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1XWW; Protein sequence: AEQATKSVLFVCLGNICRSP ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 C109S no-change -
2 C62S no-change -
3 C90S no-change -
Protein 25: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1YTQ; Protein sequence: LNPKIIIFEQENFQGHSHEL ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 W137C decrease -
Protein 26: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE1Z0Q; Protein sequence: DAEFRHDSGYEVHHQKLVFF ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 F19I decrease -
2 F19V no-change -
3 F19L increase -
4 F19Y increase -
5 F19W decrease -
6 F19M decrease -
7 F19C decrease -
8 F19A decrease -
9 F19S decrease -
10 F19P decrease -
11 F19K decrease -
12 F19G decrease -
13 F19T decrease -
14 F19H decrease -
15 F19Q decrease -
16 F19R decrease -
17 F19N decrease -
18 F19E decrease -
19 F19D decrease -
20 E22Q decrease -
21 E22G no-change -
22 E22K increase -
23 E22P decrease -
24 E22V no-change -
25 D23N increase -
26 A21G increase -
Protein 27: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2C9K_AF_MOD IF; Protein sequence: GELSAYTIVVGTVLTGFGFT ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 P126F decrease -
2 P126G decrease -
3 P126V decrease -
4 P127G decrease -
5 P127V decrease -
6 P129G decrease -
7 P129V decrease -
Protein 28: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2C9V; Protein sequence: ATKAVCVLKGDGPVQGIINF ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A4V no-change -
2 G37R no-change -
3 G85R decrease -
4 I113T no-change -
5 G41D no-change -
6 G93C decrease -
Protein 29: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2CY8_AF; Protein sequence: MSILNDYKRKTEGSVFWAQR ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 N439D no-change -
2 Q444E no-change -
Protein 30: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2D68_AF_MOD IF; Protein sequence: KTPLVNESLKKFLNTKDGRL ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 L51M no-change -
2 L74M no-change -
3 K10M no-change -
4 K16M no-change -
5 V21F no-change -
6 L34M no-change -
7 T37A no-change -
8 E44A no-change -
Protein 31: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2FJT_AF; Protein sequence: SEHFVGKYEVELKFRVMDLT ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 D17A error aa error, seq[17] = M, but origin of aa = D
2 D17N error aa error, seq[17] = M, but origin of aa = D
3 M16K error aa error, seq[16] = V, but origin of aa = M
4 E23K error aa error, seq[23] = H, but origin of aa = E
5 D53K error aa error, seq[53] = A, but origin of aa = D
Protein 32: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2GE9; Protein sequence: TEAEDSIEMYEWYSKHMTRS ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 C68S decrease -
2 G33E decrease -
3 H93Q decrease -
4 L89F decrease -
5 R38G decrease -
6 Y65S decrease -
7 Y92C decrease -
Protein 33: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2GVA; Protein sequence: MIKVEIKPSQAQFTTRSGVS ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 H41Y increase -
Protein 34: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2ILT; Protein sequence: QHQHQHQHQHQQPNEEFRPE ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 L256E decrease -
2 I265E decrease -
3 F268E no-change -
4 L269E increase -
5 K177N no-change -
6 R127C decrease -
Protein 35: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2NBR_A; Protein sequence: GKITFYEDRAFQGRSYETTT ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 C79R decrease -
2 R36S decrease -
Protein 36: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2OZB_AF_MOD IF; Protein sequence: EAAPEYRVIVDANNLTVEIE ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A110E increase -
2 A132P increase -
Protein 37: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2QUG; Protein sequence: NKITPNLAEFAFSLYRQLAH ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 M335L no-change -
2 M335R no-change -
3 M328E increase -
4 T322R no-change -
5 T322L no-change -
6 P334A increase -
Protein 38: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2X6G_AB; Protein sequence: ADTPTACCFSYTSRQIPQNF ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A22D increase -
Protein 39: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE2XWR; Protein sequence: WPLSSSVPSQKTYQGSYGFR ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 V53A no-change -
2 S151F no-change -
3 G155S no-change -
4 R158Q no-change -
5 R158W decrease -
6 R159S no-change -
7 F180L no-change -
8 R183H no-change -
9 C187F no-change -
10 R192W decrease -
Protein 40: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE3GXP; Protein sequence: LDNGLARTPTMGWLHWERFM ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 D134Y no-change -
2 A257D no-change -
3 A317R no-change -
4 A337R decrease -
5 A337P decrease -
6 S374L decrease -
Protein 41: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE3HY5; Protein sequence: EQLTTKDHGPVFGPCSQLPR ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 R212W no-change -
2 R129Q no-change -
3 M204K decrease -
Protein 42: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE3K75_SM_MOD IF; Protein sequence: PEIRLRHVVSCSSQDSTHCA ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 E67K no-change -
2 F65A decrease -
3 H18A decrease -
4 K127E no-change -
5 K30A no-change -
6 V115R decrease -
7 V84R decrease -
8 Y134A no-change -
9 R107S no-change -
10 N102A no-change -
11 F140A no-change -
12 E96A decrease -
13 E96K no-change -
14 E96R no-change -
Protein 43: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE3LWK_AF_MOD IF; Protein sequence: SMSAGPWKMVVWDEDGFQGR ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 G19V no-change -
Protein 44: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE3MZS_A; Protein sequence: TPRPYSEIPSPGDNGWLNLY ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 F215S decrease -
2 I8S increase -
3 I240S decrease -
4 I323S increase -
5 I404S no-change -
6 I446S decrease -
7 I452S decrease -
8 I463S decrease -
9 I94S decrease -
10 K189E no-change -
11 L179S decrease -
12 L204S decrease -
13 L205S decrease -
14 L211S decrease -
15 L214S decrease -
16 L17S decrease -
17 L268S decrease -
18 L269S decrease -
19 L302S decrease -
20 L313S decrease -
21 L358S decrease -
22 L360S decrease -
23 L364S decrease -
24 L397S decrease -
25 V207S decrease -
26 V224S decrease -
27 V359S decrease -
28 V449S decrease -
29 V466S decrease -
30 W220S no-change -
31 Y212S increase -
Protein 45: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE3PG0; Protein sequence: DGYYKLVARHSGKALDVENA ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 K52V decrease -
2 A61V no-change -
3 D84P decrease -
4 D48N increase -
5 A67G decrease -
6 R89L decrease -
7 D92P decrease -
8 E65Y decrease -
9 E65L decrease -
10 Q77I decrease -
Protein 46: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE3VUB; Protein sequence: MQFKVYTYKRESRYRLFVDV ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 V5S decrease -
2 V5L decrease -
3 Y6G decrease -
4 Y6P decrease -
5 L16E decrease -
6 L16S decrease -
7 L16T decrease -
8 F17D decrease -
9 F17S decrease -
10 V18A decrease -
11 V18C decrease -
12 V18D decrease -
13 V18E decrease -
14 V18F decrease -
15 V18G decrease -
16 V18H decrease -
17 V18K decrease -
18 V18L decrease -
19 V18R decrease -
20 V18S decrease -
21 V18T decrease -
22 V18Y decrease -
23 D19F decrease -
24 D19N decrease -
25 G29Q decrease -
26 G29W decrease -
27 R31G decrease -
28 M32E decrease -
29 M32L decrease -
30 M32N decrease -
31 M32W decrease -
32 V33D decrease -
33 V33K decrease -
34 V33M decrease -
35 V33R decrease -
36 I34H decrease -
37 L36K decrease -
38 L36N decrease -
39 L36S decrease -
40 A37M decrease -
41 R40I decrease -
42 L41F decrease -
43 S43R decrease -
44 P52T decrease -
45 V54D decrease -
46 V54E decrease -
47 V54G decrease -
48 V54S decrease -
49 H55V decrease -
50 I56D decrease -
51 I56E decrease -
52 I56G decrease -
53 I56S decrease -
54 E59M decrease -
55 M63A decrease -
56 M63D decrease -
57 M63N decrease -
58 M64E decrease -
59 M64G decrease -
60 T65N decrease -
61 D67P decrease -
62 D67T decrease -
63 S70W decrease -
64 V71G decrease -
65 V73F decrease -
66 V75H decrease -
67 G77F decrease -
68 G77Q decrease -
69 V80M decrease -
70 V80N decrease -
71 L83I decrease -
72 L83K decrease -
73 H85I no-change -
74 H85M decrease -
75 H85S decrease -
76 R86L decrease -
Protein 47: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE4AH6; Protein sequence: PEFSSFVVRTNTCGELRSSH ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 R17G decrease -
2 T95S no-change -
3 Q143K no-change -
4 R222Q decrease -
5 L572F increase -
6 L585Q decrease -
Protein 48: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE4CG4; Protein sequence: SEVALEHKKKIQKQLEHLKK ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 M282I no-change -
2 M282V no-change -
Protein 49: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE4ROV; Protein sequence: RHSMDPPTFTFNFNNEPWVR ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 C28A no-change -
2 C50A no-change -
3 C68A no-change -
4 C88A no-change -
5 C95A no-change -
6 C98A no-change -
7 C115A no-change -
8 C128A no-change -
9 C153A no-change -
10 C163A no-change -
11 E66A no-change -
12 F9A no-change -
13 F11A no-change -
14 F13A no-change -
15 F48A decrease -
16 F59A decrease -
17 F75A decrease -
18 F96A decrease -
19 F117A no-change -
20 I106A decrease -
21 I144A no-change -
22 L41A decrease -
23 L42A decrease -
24 L60A decrease -
25 L67A decrease -
26 L80A decrease -
27 L178A decrease -
28 M34A no-change -
29 V19A no-change -
30 V40A no-change -
31 V72A no-change -
32 W18A no-change -
33 W39A decrease -
34 W76A decrease -
35 Y147A no-change -
Protein 50: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE4V06; Protein sequence: LYFQSMLEDVPWFPRKISEL ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 R162W no-change -
2 P308R no-change -
3 R300H no-change -
Protein 51: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE4YE6_AF; Protein sequence: MAALDSLSLFTSLGLSEQKA ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 R403W decrease -
2 R515W decrease -
3 G45V no-change -
4 Y57H no-change -
Protein 52: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE5DOT_PUC_SM _MODIF; Protein sequence: AQTAHIVLEDGTKMKGYSFG ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 G1334S no-change -
2 H295R no-change -
3 P1369L no-change -
4 P732L no-change -
5 Q636P decrease -
6 R1411Q no-change -
7 R1411W decrease -
8 S81F no-change -
9 T429N no-change -
10 Y1449H no-change -
Protein 53: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE5F59_SM_MOD IF; Protein sequence: SKSSQYRKMKTEWKSNVYLA ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 V41I no-change -
2 I45T no-change -
3 V53E no-change -
4 G67Q decrease -
5 V104M no-change -
6 E107K no-change -
7 H110R no-change -
8 I112V no-change -
9 K131G no-change -
10 F132G decrease -
Protein 54: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE5FTJ_PUC_SM; Protein sequence: NRPNRLIVDEAINEDNSVVS ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 P117L no-change -
2 R135C no-change -
3 R75G no-change -
Protein 55: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE5U9A; Protein sequence: LLNVEGVKKTILHGGTGELP ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 H77Y no-change -
Protein 56: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE5VNW_C; Protein sequence: QVQLQESGGGLVQAGGSLRL ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A31D decrease -
2 H53P decrease -
3 H53R decrease -
4 T55D decrease -
5 T55G decrease -
6 T100K decrease -
7 T100R decrease -
Protein 57: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE6FYQ; Protein sequence: RSLTELDKKHFIHPFSSIQE ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 F15T no-change -
Protein 58: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE6Q3W; Protein sequence: AALRQPQVAELLAEARRAFR ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A383P decrease -
2 G35R decrease -
3 P27T decrease -
4 T287M no-change -
5 V31M decrease -
6 R67C no-change -
7 A197V no-change -
8 G345S no-change -
9 G348S no-change -
10 H43Y no-change -
Protein 59: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE7WWT; Protein sequence: MEMKAVCVLKGQGPVEGTIH ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 E40K no-change -
Protein 60: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODE9ILB; Protein sequence: APVRSLNCTLRDSQQKSLVM ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 K97G decrease -
2 K97R no-change -
3 K97V decrease -
4 L10D decrease -
5 L10N decrease -
6 L10T decrease -
7 T9A no-change -
8 T9G decrease -
9 T9L no-change -
10 T9Q decrease -
11 R4P no-change -
12 R4K no-change -
13 R4V no-change -
14 S5G no-change -
15 S5R no-change -
16 S5E no-change -
17 L6K decrease -
18 C8S no-change -
19 T9W no-change -
20 L10C no-change -
21 L10Y no-change -
22 L10F no-change -
23 L80V no-change -
24 D76G no-change -
25 K74E no-change -
26 K88V no-change -
27 K88G no-change -
28 K88L no-change -
29 N89F no-change -
30 N89R no-change -
31 N89G no-change -
32 N89C no-change -
33 Y90R no-change -
34 Y90V no-change -
35 Y90S no-change -
36 Y90L no-change -
37 K92M no-change -
38 K93M no-change -
39 K93R no-change -
40 K94M no-change -
41 K94W no-change -
42 K94G no-change -
43 M95R no-change -
44 E96V no-change -
45 E96G no-change -
46 R4S decrease -
47 R4Q decrease -
48 L6A decrease -
49 N7C decrease -
50 N7G decrease -
51 T9E no-change -
52 L10S decrease -
53 L10A decrease -
54 T79A no-change -
Protein 61: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_03_AF; Protein sequence: GESLFKGPRDYNPISSTICH ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 K45F no-change -
2 L56V no-change -
3 Q58F no-change -
4 E106G no-change -
5 S135G increase -
Protein 62: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_04_AF; Protein sequence: DCSPGIWQLDCTHLEGKVIL ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 L9A decrease -
2 L14K decrease -
3 V25K decrease -
4 L50K decrease -
5 V59K decrease -
6 V72K decrease -
7 W78K decrease -
8 I81K increase -
9 Y89K no-change -
10 L104K no-change -
11 V111K decrease -
12 L118K no-change -
13 V122K decrease -
14 F131K decrease -
15 I137K no-change -
Protein 63: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_05_AF; Protein sequence: TRQMILAVGQQGPIARAETR ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 A17D increase -
2 A17E increase -
3 A17K increase -
4 A17L increase -
5 A17N increase -
6 A17R no-change -
7 A17T no-change -
8 A17Y increase -
9 K33A no-change -
10 K33D increase -
11 K33E increase -
12 K33G no-change -
13 K33H no-change -
14 K33L no-change -
15 K33R no-change -
16 Y29A no-change -
17 Y29D increase -
18 Y29E increase -
19 Y29G no-change -
20 Y29K no-change -
21 Y29L no-change -
22 Y29N increase -
23 Y29R no-change -
Protein 64: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_06_AF; Protein sequence: YFNDIAPIKYEGTKTKNMFA ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 S386T no-change -
2 S245A no-change -
3 K405E no-change -
Protein 65: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_07_AF; Protein sequence: PSAHVPTIDISPLFGTDAAA ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 Y306C no-change -
2 K194R no-change -
3 D209A decrease -
4 Q323L no-change -
Protein 66: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_09_AF; Protein sequence: CTCSPSHPQDAFCNSDIVIR ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 K123A no-change -
2 K125A no-change -
3 K137A no-change -
4 K165A decrease -
5 R163A decrease -
Protein 67: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_0_AF; Protein sequence: MTLSIIVAHDKQRVIGYQNQ ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 Q18D no-change -
2 N49E no-change -
3 Q66D no-change -
4 N131D no-change -
Protein 68: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_100_S M; Protein sequence: MNIIAIMGPHGVFYKDEPIK ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 V467L no-change -
2 T671A no-change -
3 V682I no-change -
4 M711E increase -
5 M711D decrease -
6 M711A decrease -
7 A388R decrease -
8 L26Q no-change -
9 Q109T no-change -
10 R143G decrease -
Protein 69: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_13_AF; Protein sequence: PQVRVIDPGLGDRKDECFMY ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 L133P increase -
2 L218P no-change -
3 Y250H no-change -
Protein 70: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_15_AF; Protein sequence: NKYFNDIAPIKYEGTKTKNM ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 V275A no-change -
2 T388S no-change -
3 R202M no-change -
4 Y218D no-change -
5 E407K no-change -
Protein 71: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_16_AF; Protein sequence: LEIKRYKNRVASRKCRAKFK ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 F19A decrease -
2 K4E increase -
3 K7E increase -
4 K18A decrease -
5 N8E increase -
6 R5E increase -
7 R9E increase -
8 S12E increase -
9 K7A increase -
10 A17V increase -
11 A17K increase -
12 R9A decrease -
13 A11K increase -
14 A11V increase -
15 C15A no-change -
16 R16A decrease -
Protein 72: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_17_AF; Protein sequence: MHAINIAFFDLIMPVEKTLL ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 E40K no-change -
2 G33D no-change -
3 I117N no-change -
4 R71Q no-change -
5 S107N no-change -
Protein 73: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_18_AF; Protein sequence: DIQMTQSPSSLSASVGDRVT ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 R24D decrease -
2 S26D decrease -
3 Q27D decrease -
4 S28D decrease -
5 I29D decrease -
6 S30D decrease -
7 S31D decrease -
8 Y32D decrease -
9 N34D decrease -
10 Y49D decrease -
11 A50D decrease -
12 A51D decrease -
13 S52D decrease -
14 S53D decrease -
15 Q55D decrease -
16 S56D decrease -
Protein 74: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_19_AF; Protein sequence: QLLESGGGLVQPGGSLRLSC ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 G24D decrease -
2 T26D decrease -
3 S28D decrease -
4 S29D decrease -
5 Y30D decrease -
6 A31D decrease -
7 S33D decrease -
8 Q37D decrease -
9 A38D decrease -
10 A48D decrease -
11 S50D decrease -
12 G51D decrease -
13 S52D decrease -
14 G53D decrease -
Protein 75: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_49_AF; Protein sequence: TLSIIVAHDKQRVIGYQNQL ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 N130D no-change -
2 N48E no-change -
3 Q17D no-change -
4 Q65D no-change -
Protein 76: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_56_AF; Protein sequence: AKPVYKRILLKLSGEALQGT ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 R58H no-change -
2 D73N no-change -
3 D142N no-change -
4 D155N no-change -
5 D164N no-change -
6 D170N no-change -
7 D197N no-change -
Protein 77: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_57_AF; Protein sequence: MELSVLLFLALLTGLLLLLV ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 K262R no-change -
Protein 78: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_63_AF; Protein sequence: MSRLEAKKPSLCKSEPLTTE ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 C499S decrease -
2 G52D no-change -
3 I339V no-change -
4 R518H no-change -
5 S511A no-change -
6 T57A decrease -
7 Y37C decrease -
Protein 79: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_66_AF; Protein sequence: NSQTCLDPEASRSVLGIILG ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 S302N no-change -
Protein 80: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_69_AF; Protein sequence: MNSGYPLANDLQGSMKNTNY ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 I189L no-change -
2 L175V no-change -
Protein 81: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_72_AF; Protein sequence: MWRSCLRLRDGGRRLLNRPA ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 W94F no-change -
2 W94A decrease -
3 W94E decrease -
4 W94K decrease -
5 W94R decrease -
Protein 82: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_75_AF; Protein sequence: MDVTIQHPWFKRTLGPFYPS ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 R49C no-change -
2 R12C no-change -
Protein 83: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_77_AF; Protein sequence: GEAMHGQVDCSPGIWQLDCT ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 F139D decrease -
2 F139I no-change -
3 F139L no-change -
4 F139K decrease -
5 F139V no-change -
6 W85K decrease -
7 V119K decrease -
8 I145K increase -
9 L58K decrease -
10 L112K increase -
11 L126K increase -
12 L17A decrease -
13 L22K decrease -
14 V80K decrease -
15 V130K decrease -
16 V33K decrease -
17 Y97K no-change -
18 V67K decrease -
19 I89K increase -
Protein 84: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_79_AF; Protein sequence: MVMLLLLLSALAGLFGAAEG ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 W111H increase -
2 W119H no-change -
Protein 85: No ID provided

Protein name: >PDB.CODEMODEL_81_AF; Protein sequence: MNNTDTLEKIIRHQKNKDPV ...; more

# Variation Prediction result Remark
1 C70S increase -

If you find that there is no result or some variation have been missed, it is usually due to an incorrect input format. Please check whether all variations can be matched to input FASTA sequence.