A benchmark database for neutral variations from dbSNP

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Release notes

The current datasets were uploaded on 2017-02-16, using data from dbSNP build 149 (GRCh38p7). The previous datasets from 2016-06-09, 2016-02-03, 2015-12-02, 2015-04-09 and 2014-06-24 can still be found in the old directory
The file with the neutral single nucleotide variants from 2015-12-02, missense_2015-12-02.tgz, contained errors and was replaced by a corrected version, missense_2016-01-12.tgz.
In the following table the numbers of variants per dataset are presented:

Number of variants in VariSNP datasets
Dataset from dbSNP build 149 from dbSNP build 147 from dbSNP build 146 from dbSNP build 144 from dbSNP build 142 from dbSNP build 137/138
single nucleotide variants 446,013 247,364 246,270 235,911 222,349 78,951
non-coding transcript variants 956,958 662,961 632,441 656,451 316,117 53,957
downstream variants 500B 470,473 467,359 470,321 449,741 292,023 47,711
frameshift variants 3,802 3,769 3,736 3,553 3,135 20
cds-indel variants 9,285 11,155 11,310 10,996 8446 306
splice acceptor variants 3,402 2,787 2,773 2,656 1,645 388
splice donor variants 5,277 4,052 3,977 3,826 2,695 543
stop gained variants 11,339 5,372 5,395 5,561 4,174 1,282
stop lost variants 588 426 425 401 309 97
synonymous codon variants 318,967 198,224 198,557 191,075 185,845 91,462
upstream variants 2KB 1,804,501 1,753,114 1,748,697 1,672,935 1,194,169 230,424
utr-3-prime variants 610,396 519,993 517,421 494,459 443,537 110,032
intron variants 25,930,776 25,036,396 25,026,872 24,118,874 20,674,766 5,272,189
Updated 2017-02-16 by Gerard Schaafsma