- databases for immunodeficiency-causing variations

   Variation registry for  Bloom syndrome

Database        BLMbase
Version         2.1
File            blmpub.html
Date            16-Jun-2011
Curator         Mauno Vihinen
Address         Protein Structure and Bioinformatics 
Address         Lund University, BMC D10, SE-22184 Lund, Sweden
Phone           +46 72 526 0022
Fax             +46 46 222 9328
Email           Mauno Vihinen
IDR factfile
Gene            BLM
Disease         Bloom's Syndrome
OMIM            210900
GDB             135698
Sequence        IDRefSeq:D0004; IDRefSeq:C0004; UniProt:P54132
Numbering       Start of the entry
Funding         Tampere University Hospital Medical Research Fund
Funding         European Union
Comments        sequence entry reference in every entry;
ID              #N92X128(1),#N92X128(1); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR1
Accession       B0135
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.33139delA, c.275delA, r.275dela,
Systematic name p.Asn92fsX37
Original code   BSR186
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     3 leading to a premature stop codon in the IR1 domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33139
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 349
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 92
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33139
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 349
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 92
Feature           /domain: IR1
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Indian
ID              S104X(1),C1055S(2); standard; MUTATION; IR1,RecQCt
Accession       B0113
Systematic name Allele 1: g.33175C>A, c.311C>A, r.311c>a, p.Ser104X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.77907G>C, c.3164G>C, r.3164g>c, p.Cys1055Ser
Original code   BSR80 (Foundred 18)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 3 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR1 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 16 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the IR1 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33175
Feature           /change: c -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 385
Feature           /codon: tca -> taa; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 104
Feature           /change: S -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77907
Feature           /change: g -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3238
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tct; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1055
Feature           /change: C -> S
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italian (Massachusetts)
ID              #S186X(1a),#S186X(1a); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR1
Accession       B0001
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.33421_33423delCAA, c.557_559delCAA,
Systematic name r.557_559delcaa, p.Ser186X
Original code   97(AsOk)
Description     Allele 1 and 2; deletion leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 1
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 7585968
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Groden, J., Ye, T. Z., Straughen, J.,
RefAuthors      Lennon, D. J., Ciocci, S., Proytcheva, M., German, J. 
RefTitle        The Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ
RefTitle        helicases
RefLoc          Cell 83:655-666 (1995)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8980251
RefAuthors      Kaneko, H., Inoue, R., Yamada, Y., Sukegawa, K., Fukao, 
RefAuthors      T., Tashita, H., Teramoto, T., Kasahara, K., Takami, T.,
RefAuthors      Kondo, N.
RefTitle        Microsatellite instability in B-cell lymphoma originating
RefTitle        from Bloom syndrome
RefLoc          Int. J. Cancer 69:480-483 (1996)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0002
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 97(AsOk)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186
Feature           /change: S -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186
Feature           /change: S -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
Sex             XX
Age             25
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; Japan
Parents         consanguineous
Relative        BLM; B0009 brother
ID              #S186X(1b),#S186X(1b); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR1
Accession       B0009
Original code   96(HiOk)
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.33421_33423delCAA, c.557_559delCAA,
Systematic name r.557_559delcaa, p.Ser186X
Description     Allele 1 and 2; deletion leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 1
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8980251
RefAuthors      Kaneko, H., Inoue, R., Yamada, Y., Sukegawa, K., Fukao, 
RefAuthors      T., Tashita, H., Teramoto, T., Kasahara, K., Takami, T.,
RefAuthors      Kondo, N.
RefTitle        Microsatellite instability in B-cell lymphoma originating
RefTitle        from Bloom syndrome
RefLoc          Int. J. Cancer 69:480-483 (1996)
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 96(HiOk)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186
Feature           /change: S -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186
Feature           /change: S -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
Sex             XY
Age             23
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; Japan
Parents         consanguineous
Relative        BLM; B0001 sister
ID              #S186X(2),@N515X516(3); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR3
Accession       B0034
Systematic name Allele 1: g.33421_33423delCAA, c.557_559delCAA,
Systematic name r.557_559delcaa, p.Ser186X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.44513dupA, c.1544dupA, r.1544dupa, p.Asn515fsX2
Original code   Case 1
Description     Allele 1; deletion leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 1
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the exon 7
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR1 domain
Date            09-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 15289897
RefAuthors      Kaneko, H., Isogai, K., Fukao, T., Matsui, E., Kasahara, 
RefAuthors      K., Yachie, A., Seki, H., Koizumi, S., Arai, M., 
RefAuthors      Utunomiya, J., Miki, Y., Kondo, N.
RefTitle        Relatively common mutations of the bloom syndrome gene in 
RefTitle        the japanese population.
RefLoc          Int J Mol Med:439-442 (2004)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33421..33423
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631..633
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186..187
Feature           /change: SK -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44514
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1619
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 515
Feature           /change: N -> KX
Feature           /domain: IR3
Sex             XX
ID              #S186X(3),#S186X(3); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR1
Accession       B0035
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.33421_33423delCAA, c.557_559delCAA,
Systematic name r.557_559delcaa, p.Ser186X
Original code   Case 2
Description     Allele 1 and 2; deletion leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 1
Date            09-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            09-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 15289897
RefAuthors      Kaneko, H., Isogai, K., Fukao, T., Matsui, E., Kasahara, 
RefAuthors      K., Yachie, A., Seki, H., Koizumi, S., Arai, M., 
RefAuthors      Utunomiya, J., Miki, Y., Kondo, N.
RefTitle        Relatively common mutations of the bloom syndrome gene in 
RefTitle        the japanese population.
RefLoc          Int J Mol Med:439-442 (2004)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33421..33423
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631..633
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186..187
Feature           /change: SK -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33421..33423
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631..633
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186..187
Feature           /change: SK -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
Symptoms        Burkitt's lymphoma, diabetes mellitus
Sex             XX
ID              #S186X(4),Intron 8(1); standard; MUTATION; IR1,
Accession       B0116
Systematic name Allele 1: g.33421_33423delCAA, c.557_559delCAA,
Systematic name r.557_559delcaa, p.Ser186X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.IVS8+1G>T, c.2074+1G>T, r.2074+1g>u
Original code   BSR78 (Foundred 19)
Description     Allele 1; deletion leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 1
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the intron 8 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the IR1 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33421..33423
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631..633
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186..187
Feature           /change: SK -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46754
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 8
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: +1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; Japan
ID              #S186X(5),@N515X516(4); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR3
Accession       B0117
Systematic name Allele 1: g.33421_33423delCAA, c.557_559delCAA,
Systematic name r.557_559delcaa, p.Ser186X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.44513dupA, c.1544dupA, r.1544dupa, p.Asn515fsX2
Original code   BSR100 (Foundred 19/Foundred 20)
Description     Allele 1; deletion leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 1
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the exon 7
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR1 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33421..33423
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631..633
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186..187
Feature           /change: SK -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44514
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1619
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 515
Feature           /change: N -> KX
Feature           /domain: IR3
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; Japan
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              #S186X(6),#S186X(6); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR1
Accession       B0118
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.33421_33423delCAA, c.557_559delCAA,
Systematic name r.557_559delcaa, p.Ser186X
Original code   BSR110 (Foundred 19)
Description     Allele 1 and 2; deletion leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 1
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33421..33423
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631..633
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186..187
Feature           /change: SK -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33421..33423
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631..633
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186..187
Feature           /change: SK -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; Japan
ID              #S186X(7),#S186X(7); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR1
Accession       B0119
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.33421_33423delCAA, c.557_559delCAA,
Systematic name r.557_559delcaa, p.Ser186X
Original code   BSR128 (Foundred 19)
Description     Allele 1 and 2; deletion leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 1
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33421..33423
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631..633
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186..187
Feature           /change: SK -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33421..33423
Feature           /change: -caa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: inframe deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 631..633
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion; inframe
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 186..187
Feature           /change: SK -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; Japan
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              F194X(1),F194X(1); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR1
Accession       B0144
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.33445_33446delTT, c.581_582delTT,
Systematic name r.581_582deluu, p.Phe194X
Original code   IC-T1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A deletion mutation in the exon 3 leading
Description     to a premature stop codon in the IR1 domain
Date            15-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            15-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED;  18471088
RefAuthors      Amor-Gueret, M., Dubois-d'Enghien, C., Lauge, A., Onclercq-
RefAuthors      Delic, R., Barakat, A., Chadli, E., Bousfiha, A. A., 
RefAuthors      Benjelloun, M., Flori, E., Doray, B., Laugel, V., 
RefAuthors      Lourenxo, M. T., Gonxalves, R., Sousa, S., Couturier, J., 
RefAuthors      Stoppa-Lyonnet, D.
RefTitle        Three new BLM gene mutations associated with bloom 
RefTitle        syndrome.
RefLoc          Genet Test:257-261 (2008)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33445..33446
Feature           /change: -tt
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004; GI:1705486; BLMC: 655..656
Feature           /codon: ttt -> taa; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: BLM_HUMAN: 194
Feature           /change: F -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33445..33446
Feature           /change: -tt
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004; GI:1705486; BLMC: 655..656
Feature           /codon: ttt -> taa; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: BLM_HUMAN: 194
Feature           /change: F -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
Symptoms        Pigmentation spots on the body; Respiratory tract
Symptoms        infections; Sun-sensitive erythema
Age             9
Sex             XY
Parents         Consanguineous
Comment         Presence of two right kidneys in patient.
ID              @F194X195(1),@F194X195(1); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR1
Accession       B0143
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.33445dupT, c.581dupT, r.581dupu,
Systematic name p.Lys195fsX1
Original code   BSR232
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the
Description     exon 3 leading to a premature stop codon in the IR1 domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33446
Feature           /change: +t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 656
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 194
Feature           /change: F -> FX
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33446
Feature           /change: +t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 656
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 194
Feature           /change: F -> FX
Feature           /domain: IR1
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Ecuadorian/El Salvadorian
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              #L258X264(1),#L258X264(1); standard; MUTATION; IR1,IR1
Accession       B0139
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.33636_33637delCT, c.772_773delCT,
Systematic name r.772_773delcu, p.Leu258fsX7
Original code   BSR211
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     3 leading to a premature stop codon in the IR1 domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33636..33637
Feature           /change: -ct
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 846..847
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 258
Feature           /change: L -> ENSFGRX
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 33636..33637
Feature           /change: -ct
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 846..847
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 258
Feature           /change: L -> ENSFGRX
Feature           /domain: IR1
Ethnic origin   West African
ID              K272X(1),?; standard; MUTATION; IR1
Accession       B0002
Original code   112(NaSch)
Description     Allele 1; point mutation leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 1
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 7585968
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Groden, J., Ye, T. Z., Straughen, J.,
RefAuthors      Lennon, D. J., Ciocci, S., Proytcheva, M., German, J. 
RefTitle        The Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ
RefTitle        helicases
RefLoc          Cell 83:655-666 (1995)
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 112(NaSch)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /change: a -> t
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 888
Feature           /codon: aag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 272
Feature           /change: K -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              K272X(2),Intron 6(1); standard; MUTATION; IR1,
Accession       B0131
Systematic name Allele 1: g.35397A>T, c.814A>T, r.814a>u, p.Lys272X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.IVS6+3A>G, c.1220+3A>G, r.1220+3a>g
Original code   BSR112
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 4 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR1 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the intron 6 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the IR1 domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 35397
Feature           /change: a -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 888
Feature           /codon: aag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 272
Feature           /change: K -> X
Feature           /domain: IR1
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 43878
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 6
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: +3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; N. American
ID              #K331X334(1),#D1010X1033(3); standard; MUTATION; IR3,RecQCt
Accession       B0103
Systematic name Allele 1: g.38438_38442delAAAGA, c.991_995delAAAGA,
Systematic name r.991_995delaaaga, p.Lys331fsX4
Systematic name Allele 2: g.77771delG, c.3028delG, r.3028delg,
Systematic name p.Asp1010fsX24
Original code   BSR207 (Foundred 11/Foundred 14)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 5
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 16
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 38438..38442
Feature           /change: -aaaga
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 5
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1065..1069
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 331..332
Feature           /change: KE -> GCSX
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77771
Feature           /change: -g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3102
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1010
Feature           /change: D -> METIIQEKLT SIICIAWYIT VKIX
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Kentucky
ID              #K331X334(2),Q548X(1); standard; MUTATION; IR3,IR3
Accession       B0104
Systematic name Allele 1: g.38438_38442delAAAGA, c.991_995delAAAGA,
Systematic name r.991_995delaaaga, p.Lys331fsX4
Systematic name Allele 2: g.44611C>T, c.1642C>T, r.1642c>u, p.Gln548X
Original code   BSR167 (Foundred 12/Foundred 14)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 5
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 7 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 38438..38442
Feature           /change: -aaaga
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 5
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1065..1069
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 331..332
Feature           /change: KE -> GCSX
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44611
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1716
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 548
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR3
Ethnic origin   American (Virginia)
ID              R364X(1),?; premilinary; MUTATION; IR3
Accession       B0024
Description     Allele 1; nonsense mutation leading to stop codon 
Description     and premature termination in intervening region 3
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 364
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              W567X(1),R364X(2); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR3
Accession       B0129
Systematic name Allele 1: g.44670G>A, c.1701G>A, r.1701g>a, p.Trp567X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.43745A>T, c.1090A>T, r.1090a>u, p.Arg364X
Original code   BSR98
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 7 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 6 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44670
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1775
Feature           /codon: tgg -> tga; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 567
Feature           /change: W -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 43745
Feature           /change: a -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 6
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1164
Feature           /codon: aga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 364
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: IR3
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; N. American
ID              Q645X(6),W428X(1); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR3
Accession       B0074
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.44253G>A, c.1284G>A, r.1284g>a, p.Trp428X
Original code   BSR91 (Foundred 7/Foundred 16)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 7 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44253
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1358
Feature           /codon: tgg -> tga; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 428
Feature           /change: W -> X
Feature           /domain: IR3
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; The Netherlands
ID              Q645X(10),W428X(2); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR3
Accession       B0078
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.44253G>A, c.1284G>A, r.1284g>a, p.Trp428X
Original code   BSR118 (Foundred 7/Foundred 16)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 7 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44253
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1358
Feature           /codon: tgg -> tga; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 428
Feature           /change: W -> X
Feature           /domain: IR3
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Germany
ID              #S449X450(1),#S449X450(1); standard; MUTATION; IR3,IR3
Accession       B0127
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.44315delC, c.1346delC, r.1346delc,
Systematic name p.Ser449fsX2
Original code   BSR74
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     7 leading to a premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44315
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1420
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 449
Feature           /change: S -> LX
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44315
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1420
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 449
Feature           /change: S -> LX
Feature           /domain: IR3
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Turkish
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              @N515X516(1),@N515X516(1); standard; MUTATION; IR3,IR3
Accession       B0003
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.44513dupA, c.1544dupA, r.1544dupa,
Systematic name p.Asn515fsX2
Original code   93(YoYa)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the
Description     exon 7 leading to a premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            04-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 7585968
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Groden, J., Ye, T. Z., Straughen, J.,
RefAuthors      Lennon, D. J., Ciocci, S., Proytcheva, M., German, J. 
RefTitle        The Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ
RefTitle        helicases
RefLoc          Cell 83:655-666 (1995)
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 93(YoYa)
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44514
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1619
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 515
Feature           /change: N -> KX
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44514
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1619
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 515
Feature           /change: N -> KX
Feature           /domain: IR3
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; 
ID              @N515X516(2),Q752X(1); standard; MUTATION; IR3,DEAH
Accession       B0020
Original code   71
Systematic name Allele 1: g.44513dupA, c.1544dupA, r.1544dupa, p.Asn515fsX2
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift duplication mutation in the exon 7
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Description     Allele 2; point mutation leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in DEAH helicase domain
Date            08-Jun-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            04-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (08-Jun-1999) to the BLMbase
RefLoc          Bloom's Syndrome Registry, NY Blood Center, 310 East 67th
RefLoc          Street, New York NY 10021
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 71
DB CrossRef     Coriell Cell Repository; GM02548
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44514
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1619
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 515
Feature           /change: N -> KX
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2328
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 752
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Sex             XY
Age             6
Ethnic origin   Negroid; 
ID              #G512X530(1),?; standard; MUTATION; IR3
Accession       B0008
Description     Allele 1; deletion leading to frameshift and premature 
Description     termination in intervening region 3
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9731483
RefAuthors      Calin, G., Herlea, V., Barbanti-Brodano, G., Negrini, M.
RefTitle        The coding region of the Bloom syndrome BLM gene and of
RefTitle        the CBL proto-oncogene is mutated in genetically unstable
RefTitle        sporadic gastrointestinal tumors
RefLoc          Cancer Res. 58:3777-81 (1998)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /change: -a
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1610
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 512
Feature           /change: G -> GKKMKALISQ EMFSQALLX
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              @N515X516(5),@N515X516(5); standard; MUTATION; IR3,IR3
Accession       B0120
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.44513dupA, c.1544dupA, r.1544dupa,
Systematic name p.Asn515fsX2
Original code   BSR86 (Foundred 20)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the
Description     exon 7 leading to a premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44514
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1619
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 515
Feature           /change: N -> KX
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44514
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1619
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 515
Feature           /change: N -> KX
Feature           /domain: IR3
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; Japan
ID              @N515X516(6),@N515X516(6); standard; MUTATION; IR3,IR3
Accession       B0121
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.44513dupA, c.1544dupA, r.1544dupa,
Systematic name p.Asn515fsX2
Original code   BSR129 (Foundred 20)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the
Description     exon 7 leading to a premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44514
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1619
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 515
Feature           /change: N -> KX
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44514
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1619
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 515
Feature           /change: N -> KX
Feature           /domain: IR3
Ethnic origin   Mongoloid; Japan
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              L543X(1),L543X(1); standard; MUTATION; IR3,IR3
Accession       B0136
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.44597T>A, c.1628T>A, r.1628u>a, p.Leu543X
Original code   BSR192
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 7 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44597
Feature           /change: t -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1702
Feature           /codon: tta -> taa; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 543
Feature           /change: L -> X
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44597
Feature           /change: t -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1702
Feature           /codon: tta -> taa; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 543
Feature           /change: L -> X
Feature           /domain: IR3
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Turkish
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              Q548X(2),Intron 7(1); standard; MUTATION; IR3,
Accession       B0105
Systematic name Allele 1: g.44611C>T, c.1642C>T, r.1642c>u, p.Gln548X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.IVS7+5G>A, c.1882+5G>A, r.1882+5g>a
Original code   BSR202 (Foundred 12)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 7 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR3 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the intron 7 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the IR3 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44611
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1716
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 548
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44856
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: +5
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Germany
ID              S595X(1),?; premilinary; MUTATION; IR4
Accession       B0025
Description     Allele 1; nonsense mutation leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 4
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 595
Feature           /change: S -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              S595X(2),S595X(2); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR4
Accession       B0128
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.44753C>A, c.1784C>A, r.1784c>a, p.Ser595X
Original code   BSR81
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 7 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44753
Feature           /change: c -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1858
Feature           /codon: tca -> taa; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 595
Feature           /change: S -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 44753
Feature           /change: c -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 7
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 1858
Feature           /codon: tca -> taa; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 595
Feature           /change: S -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; French Canadian
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              Q645X(1),?; premilinary; MUTATION; IR4
Accession       B0026
Description     Allele 1; nonsense mutation leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in intervening region 4
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              Q645X(2),Q645X(2); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR4
Accession       B0070
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Original code   BSR11 (Foundred 7)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Ontario
ID              Q645X(3),Q645X(3); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR4
Accession       B0071
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Original code   BSR61 (Foundred 7)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; California
ID              Q645X(4),@L751X775(1); standard; MUTATION; IR4,DEAH
Accession       B0072
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.50562_50563insAAAT, c.2250_2251insAAAT,
Systematic name r.2250_2251insaaau, p.Leu751fsX25
Original code   BSR64 (Foundred 7/Foundred 15)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift insertion mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: insertion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50563
Feature           /change: +aaat
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2325
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 751
Feature           /change: L -> KSPVIKKRPN HKTSICHSRK DLCKX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Ohio
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              Q645X(5),Q645X(5); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR4
Accession       B0073
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Original code   BSR67 (Foundred 7)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; The Netherlands
ID              Q645X(7),Q909X(1); standard; MUTATION; IR4,DEAH
Accession       B0075
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.68579C>T, c.2725C>T, r.2725c>u, p.Gln909X
Original code   BSR105 (Foundred 7)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68579
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2799
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 909
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Texas
ID              Q645X(8),@R1075X1079(1); standard; MUTATION; IR4,RecQCt
Accession       B0076
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.81798dupA, c.3223dupA, r.3223dupa,
Systematic name p.Arg1075fsX5
Original code   BSR114 (Foundred 7)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the exon 17
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 81799
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 17
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3298
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1075
Feature           /change: R -> KRCDX
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Germany
ID              Q645X(9),Q700X(2); standard; MUTATION; IR4,DEAH
Accession       B0077
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.48915C>T, c.2098C>T, r.2098c>u, p.Gln700X
Original code   BSR115 (Foundred 7/Foundred 17)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 9 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Florida
ID              Q645X(11),Q645X(11); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR4
Accession       B0079
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Original code   BSR133 (Foundred 7)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Germany
ID              Q645X(12),Q645X(12); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR4
Accession       B0080
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Original code   BSR147 (Foundred 7)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Belgium
ID              Q645X(13),#Q975X998(1); standard; MUTATION; IR4,DEAH
Accession       B0081
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.74344delC, c.2923delC, r.2923delc,
Systematic name p.Gln975fsX24
Original code   BSR164 (Foundred 7/Foundred 9)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 15
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74344
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2997
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: Q -> KNLAELEEMG KYLTACFSIP IMMX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; New Brunswick
ID              Q645X(14),Q645X(14); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR4
Accession       B0082
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Original code   BSR169 (Foundred 7)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Ontario
ID              Q645X(15),#F1087X1097(3); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR5
Accession       B0083
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.81836delT, c.3261delT, r.3261delu,
Systematic name p.Phe1087fsX11
Original code   BSR170 (Foundred 7/Foundred 10)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 17
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 81836
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 17
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3335
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1087
Feature           /change: F -> LFKNIVHHKE X
Feature           /domain: IR5
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; New York
ID              Q645X(16),R899X(2); standard; MUTATION; IR4,DEAH
Accession       B0084
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.68549C>T, c.2695C>T, r.2695c>u, p.Arg899X
Original code   BSR177 (Foundred 7/Foundred 8)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Michigan
ID              Q645X(17),R899X(3); standard; MUTATION; IR4,DEAH
Accession       B0085
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.68549C>T, c.2695C>T, r.2695c>u, p.Arg899X
Original code   BSR183 (Foundred 7/Foundred 8)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Utah
ID              Q645X(18),Q645X(18); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR4
Accession       B0086
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Original code   BSR188 (Foundred 7)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Belgium
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              Q645X(19),Q645X(19); standard; MUTATION; IR4,IR4
Accession       B0087
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.46612C>T, c.1933C>T, r.1933c>u, p.Gln645X
Original code   BSR189 (Foundred 7)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the IR4 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46612
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2007
Feature           /codon: caa -> taa; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: IR4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; California
ID              @M656X661(1),?; premilinary; MUTATION; DEAH
Accession       B0029
Description     Allele 1; insertion leading to frameshift and premature 
Description     termination in DEAH helicase domain
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: insertion
Feature           /change: +g
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2042
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 656
Feature           /change: M -> MEDFSX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              @K657X661(1),@K657X661(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0124
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.46647dupG, c.1968dupG, r.1968dupg,
Systematic name p.Lys657fsX5
Original code   BSR17
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the
Description     exon 8 leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46648
Feature           /change: +g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2043
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 657
Feature           /change: K -> EDFSX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46648
Feature           /change: +g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2043
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 657
Feature           /change: K -> EDFSX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; N. American
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              Q672R(1),?; standard; MUTATION; DEAH
Accession       B0004
Original code   139(ViKre)
Description     Allele 1; missense mutation leading to amino acid change 
Description     in DEAH helicase domain
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 7585968
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Groden, J., Ye, T. Z., Straughen, J., 
RefAuthors      Lennon, D. J., Ciocci, S., Proytcheva, M., German, J. 
RefTitle        The Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ
RefTitle        helicases
RefLoc          Cell 83:655-666 (1995)
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 139(ViKre)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2089
Feature           /codon: cag -> cgg; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 672
Feature           /change: Q -> R
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              Q672R(2),Intron 5(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,
Accession       B0106
Systematic name Allele 1: g.46694A>G, c.2015A>G, r.2015a>g, p.Gln672Arg
Systematic name Allele 2: g.IVS5-2A>G, c.1088-2A>G, r.
Original code   BSR31 (Foundred 13)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 8 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the intron 5 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 46694
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 8
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2089
Feature           /codon: cag -> cgg; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 672
Feature           /change: Q -> R
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 43741
Feature           /change: a -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 5
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: -2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Belgium
ID              Q700X(1),?; premilinary; MUTATION; DEAH
Accession       B0027
Description     Allele 1; nonsense mutation leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in DEAH helicase domain
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 645
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              Q700X(3),#Q975X998(5); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0098
Systematic name Allele 1: g.48915C>T, c.2098C>T, r.2098c>u, p.Gln700X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.74344delC, c.2923delC, r.2923delc,
Systematic name p.Gln975fsX24
Original code   BSR146 (Foundred 9/Foundred 17)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 9 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 15
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74344
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2997
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: Q -> KNLAELEEMG KYLTACFSIP IMMX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Minnesota
ID              Q700X(4),Q700X(4); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0107
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.48915C>T, c.2098C>T, r.2098c>u, p.Gln700X
Original code   BSR5 (Foundred 17)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 9 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Colorado
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              Q700X(5),Q700X(5); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0108
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.48915C>T, c.2098C>T, r.2098c>u, p.Gln700X
Original code   BSR51 (Foundred 17)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 9 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Kentucky
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              Q700X(6),Q700X(6); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0109
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.48915C>T, c.2098C>T, r.2098c>u, p.Gln700X
Original code   BSR59 (Foundred 17)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 9 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Connecticut
ID              Q700X(7),D1064V(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,RecQCt
Accession       B0110
Systematic name Allele 1: g.48915C>T, c.2098C>T, r.2098c>u, p.Gln700X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.77934A>T, c.3191A>T, r.3191a>u, p.Asp1064Val
Original code   BSR102 (Foundred 17)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 9 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 16 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77934
Feature           /change: a -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3265
Feature           /codon: gat -> gtt; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1064
Feature           /change: D -> V
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italy (Sicily)
ID              Q700X(8),#L1159X1164(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,IR5
Accession       B0111
Systematic name Allele 1: g.48915C>T, c.2098C>T, r.2098c>u, p.Gln700X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.87233_87234delTT, c.3475_3476delTT,
Systematic name r.3475_3476deluu, p.Leu1159fsX6
Original code   BSR103 (Foundred 17)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 9 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 18
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87233..87234
Feature           /change: -tt
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 18
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3549..3550
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1159
Feature           /change: L -> IYQCQX
Feature           /domain: IR5
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italian (Sicilian); Switzerland
ID              Q700X(9),Intron 16(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,
Accession       B0112
Systematic name Allele 1: g.48915C>T, c.2098C>T, r.2098c>u, p.Gln700X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.IVS16+3A>T, c.3210+3A>T, r.3210+3a>u
Original code   BSR134 (Foundred 17)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 9 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the intron 16 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 48915
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 9
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2172
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 700
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77956
Feature           /change: a -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: +3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Missouri
ID              @Y736X740(1),@Y736X740(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0005
Original code   15(MaRo)
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Groden, J., Ye, T. Z., Straughen, J., Lennon,
RefAuthors      D. J., Ciocci, S., Proytcheva, M., German, J. 
RefTitle        The Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ
RefTitle        helicases
RefLoc          Cell 83:655-666 (1995)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 15(MaRo)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(2),@Y736X740(2); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0010
Original code   42(RaFr)
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 7585968
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Groden, J., Ye, T. Z., Straughen, J., 
RefAuthors      Lennon, D. J., Ciocci, S., Proytcheva, M., German, J. 
RefTitle        The Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ
RefTitle        helicases
RefLoc          Cell 83:655-666 (1995)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 42(RaFr)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(3),@Y736X740(3); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0011
Original code   107(MyAsa)
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 7585968
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Groden, J., Ye, T. Z., Straughen, J., 
RefAuthors      Lennon, D. J., Ciocci, S., Proytcheva, M., German, J. 
RefTitle        The Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ
RefTitle        helicases
RefLoc          Cell 83:655-666 (1995)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9062585
RefAuthors      German J
RefTitle        Bloom's syndrome. XX. The first 100 cancers
RefLoc          Cancer Genet Cytogenet 93:100-106 (1997)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 107(MyAsa)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Symptoms        Lymphoma, diffuse histolytic, tonsil at age 26
Symptoms        Carcinoma, right breast at age 34
Symptoms        Carcinoma, transverse colon at age 41
Symptoms        Carcinoma, left breast at age 42
Symptoms        Carcinoma, adeno, uterus at age 43
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(4),@Y736X740(4); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0012
Original code   Nr2(CrSpe)
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 7585968
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Groden, J., Ye, T. Z., Straughen, J., 
RefAuthors      Lennon, D. J., Ciocci, S., Proytcheva, M., German, J. 
RefTitle        The Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ
RefTitle        helicases
RefLoc          Cell 83:655-666 (1995)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; Nr2(CrSpe)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(5),@Y736X740(5); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0013
Original code   3
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            08-Jun-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (08-Jun-1999) to the BLMbase
RefLoc          Bloom's Syndrome Registry, NY Blood Center, 310 East 67th
RefLoc          Street, New York NY 10021
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 3
DB CrossRef     Coriell Cell Repository; GM00811
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Sex             XY
Age             4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(6),@Y736X740(6); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0014
Original code   9(EmSh)
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            08-Jun-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (08-Jun-1999) to the BLMbase
RefLoc          Bloom's Syndrome Registry, NY Blood Center, 310 East 67th
RefLoc          Street, New York NY 10021
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9062585
RefAuthors      German J
RefTitle        Bloom's syndrome. XX. The first 100 cancers
RefLoc          Cancer Genet Cytogenet 93:100-106 (1997)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 9(EmSh)
DB CrossRef     Coriell Cell Repository; GM03402; GM03403
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Symptoms        Carcinoma, rectum at age 38
Symptoms        Carsinoma, basal cell, eyelid at age 38
Sex             XY
Age             30
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(7),@Y736X740(7); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0015
Original code   27
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            08-Jun-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (08-Jun-1999) to the BLMbase
RefLoc          Bloom's Syndrome Registry, NY Blood Center, 310 East 67th
RefLoc          Street, New York NY 10021
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 27
DB CrossRef     Coriell Cell Repository; GM09960
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Sex             XX
Age             22
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(8),@Y736X740(8); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0016
Original code   44(AbRu)
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            08-Jun-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (08-Jun-1999) to the BLMbase
RefLoc          Bloom's Syndrome Registry, NY Blood Center, 310 East 67th
RefLoc          Street, New York NY 10021
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 44(AbRu)
DB CrossRef     Coriell Cell Repository; GM01492
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Sex             XY
Age             15
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(9),@Y736X740(9); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0017
Original code   47
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            08-Jun-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (08-Jun-1999) to the BLMbase
RefLoc          Bloom's Syndrome Registry, NY Blood Center, 310 East 67th
RefLoc          Street, New York NY 10021
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 47
DB CrossRef     Coriell Cell Repository; GM03510
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Sex             XY
Age             20
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(10),@Y736X740(10); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0018
Original code   53
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            08-Jun-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (08-Jun-1999) to the BLMbase
RefLoc          Bloom's Syndrome Registry, NY Blood Center, 310 East 67th
RefLoc          Street, New York NY 10021
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 53
DB CrossRef     Coriell Cell Repository; GM02085
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Sex             XX
Age             2
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(11),#D1053X1077(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,RecQCt
Accession       B0019
Original code   87(AlFra)
Systematic name Allele 1: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Systematic name Allele 2: g.77902delT, c.3159delT, r.3159delu,
Systematic name p.Cys1055fsX23
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     16 leading to a premature stop codon in the RecQCt domain
Date            08-Jun-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 2, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefLoc          Submitted (08-Jun-1999) to the BLMbase
RefLoc          Bloom's Syndrome Registry, NY Blood Center, 310 East 67th
RefLoc          Street, New York NY 10021
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0001
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 87(AlFra)
DB CrossRef     Coriell Cell Repository; GM03498
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77902
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3233
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1053
Feature           /change: D -> DFVRNTQMFL VIIAVKQRII KQEMX
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Sex             XX
Age             2
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              @Y736X740(12),@Y736X740(12); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0036
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR14 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (New York)
ID              @Y736X740(13),@Y736X740(13); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0037
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR16 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (New York)
ID              @Y736X740(14),#F1087X1097(2); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,IR5
Accession       B0038
Systematic name Allele 1: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Systematic name Allele 2: g.81836delT, c.3261delT, r.3261delu,
Systematic name p.Phe1087fsX11
Original code   BSR26 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 17
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 81836
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 17
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3335
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1087
Feature           /change: F -> LFKNIVHHKE X
Feature           /domain: IR5
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Indiana)
Comment         The father was Ashkenazi Jewish and the mother non-Jewish.
ID              @Y736X740(15),@Y736X740(15); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0039
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR32 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (New Jersey)
ID              @Y736X740(16),@Y736X740(16); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0040
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR34 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Illinois)
ID              @Y736X740(17),@Y736X740(17); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0041
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR45 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Israel)
ID              @Y736X740(18),Deletion(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,HRDC
Accession       B0042
Systematic name Allele 1: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR50 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: Deletion of exons 20-22
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 20-22
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3826..
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /note: the putative effect on the protein is p.Glu1251fs
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Ontario)
Comment         The father was Ashkenazi Jewish and the mother non-Jewish.
ID              @Y736X740(19),G891E(2); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0043
Systematic name Allele 1: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Systematic name Allele 2: g.68526G>A, c.2672G>A, r.2672g>a, p.Gly891Glu
Original code   BSR54 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68526
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2746
Feature           /codon: ggg -> gag; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 891
Feature           /change: G -> E
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (New York)
Comment         The father was Ashkenazi Jewish and the mother non-Jewish.
ID              @Y736X740(20),@Y736X740(20); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0044
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR56 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Ohio)
ID              @Y736X740(21),@Y736X740(21); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0045
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR57 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Israel)
ID              @Y736X740(22),@Y736X740(22); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0046
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR79 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Connecticut)
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              @Y736X740(23),@Y736X740(23); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0047
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR106 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Florida)
ID              @Y736X740(24),@Y736X740(24); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0048
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR119 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (New York)
ID              @Y736X740(25),@Y736X740(25); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0049
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR121 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Israel)
ID              Intron 2(1),@Y736X740(26); standard; MUTATION; ,DEAH
Accession       B0050
Systematic name Allele 1: g.IVS2+1G>T, c.98+1G>T, r.98+1g>u
Systematic name Allele 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR126 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the intron 2 leading to an
Description     amino acid change
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 31087
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 2
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: +1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Jewish (Brazil)
Comment         Father Jewish, but not Ashkenazi, mother Ashkenazi Jewish
ID              @Y736X740(27),@W803X806(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0051
Systematic name Allele 1: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Systematic name Allele 2: g.53034dupT, c.2407dupT, r.2407dupu, p.Trp803fsX4
Original code   BSR141 (Foundred 1/Foundred 2)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the exon 12
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 53035
Feature           /change: +t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 12
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2482
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 803
Feature           /change: W -> LGTX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Israel)
ID              @Y736X740(28),@Y736X740(28); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0052
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR142 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Israel)
ID              @Y736X740(29),@Y736X740(29); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0053
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR171 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (District of Columbia)
ID              @Y736X740(30),@Y736X740(30); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0054
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR172 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Michigan)
ID              @Y736X740(31),@Y736X740(31); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0055
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR178 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (New York)
ID              @Y736X740(32),@Y736X740(32); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0056
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR182 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Belgium)
ID              @Y736X740(33),Y1170X(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,IR5
Accession       B0057
Systematic name Allele 1: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Systematic name Allele 2: g.87268T>A, c.3510T>A, r.3510u>a, p.Tyr1170X
Original code   BSR225 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 18 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87268
Feature           /change: t -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 18
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3584
Feature           /codon: tat -> taa; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1170
Feature           /change: Y -> X
Feature           /domain: IR5
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Minnesota)
Comment         The father was Ashkenazi Jewish and the mother non-Jewish.
ID              @Y736X740(34),@W803X806(2); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0058
Systematic name Allele 1: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Systematic name Allele 2: g.53034dupT, c.2407dupT, r.2407dupu, p.Trp803fsX4
Original code   BSR237 (Foundred 1/Foundred 2)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the exon 12
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 53035
Feature           /change: +t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 12
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2482
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 803
Feature           /change: W -> LGTX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (New York)
ID              @Y736X740(35),@Y736X740(35); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0059
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR238 (Foundred 1)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Ashkenazi Jewish (Israel)
ID              @Y736X740(36),@Y736X740(36); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0060
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR127 (Foundred 3)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Spahish via Mexico (Colorado)
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              @Y736X740(37),#R836X853(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0061
Systematic name Allele 1: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Systematic name Allele 2: g.53133_53134delAG, c.2506_2507delAG,
Systematic name r.2506_2507delag, p.Arg836fsX18
Original code   BSR130 (Foundred 3/Foundred 4)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 12
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 53133..53134
Feature           /change: -ag
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 12
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2580..2581
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 836
Feature           /change: R -> GTEGHPDSAE DSQTSGVX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Mexican, Texan, New Mexican (Utah)
ID              @Y736X740(38),@Y736X740(38); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0062
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR179 (Foundred 3)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Spanish ancestry (Mexico)
ID              @Y736X740(39),C1066Y(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,RecQCt
Accession       B0063
Systematic name Allele 1: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Systematic name Allele 2: g.77940G>A, c.3197G>A, r.3197g>a, p.Cys1066Tyr
Original code   BSR197 (Foundred 3)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 16 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77940
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3271
Feature           /codon: tgc -> tac; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1066
Feature           /change: C -> Y
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   El Salvadoran/Ecuadoran (Texas)
ID              @Y736X740(40),@Y736X740(40); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0064
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.50519_50524delinsTAGATTC,
Systematic name c.2207_2212delinsTAGATTC, r.2207_2212delinsuagauuc,
Systematic name p.Tyr736fsX5
Original code   BSR200 (Foundred 3)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift indel mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: indel
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50519..50524
Feature           /change: atctga -> tagattc
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2281..2286
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 736..738
Feature           /change: YLT -> LDSRX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   El Salvadoran (Maryland)
ID              @L751X775(2),#F1087X1097(5); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,IR5
Accession       B0101
Systematic name Allele 1: g.50562_50563insAAAT, c.2250_2251insAAAT,
Systematic name r.2250_2251insaaau, p.Leu751fsX25
Systematic name Allele 2: g.81836delT, c.3261delT, r.3261delu,
Systematic name p.Phe1087fsX11
Original code   BSR194 (Foundred 10/Foundred 15)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift insertion mutation in the exon 10
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 17
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: insertion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 50563
Feature           /change: +aaat
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 10
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2325
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 751
Feature           /change: L -> KSPVIKKRPN HKTSICHSRK DLCKX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 81836
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 17
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3335
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1087
Feature           /change: F -> LFKNIVHHKE X
Feature           /domain: IR5
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; California
ID              @T830X834(1),#K1227X1278(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,HRDC
Accession       B0126
Systematic name Allele 1: g.53115dupA, c.2488dupA, r.2488dupa, p.Thr830fsX5
Systematic name Allele 2: g.87885delA, c.3681delA, r.3681dela,
Systematic name p.Lys1227fsX52
Original code   BSR65
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift duplication mutation in the exon 12
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 19
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 53116
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 12
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2563
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 830
Feature           /change: T -> NGHSX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87885
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 19
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3755
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1227
Feature           /change: K -> 
Feature           /change: LKTNWKNMVR KX
Feature           /domain: HRDC
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Dutch
ID              #R836X853(2),#R836X853(2); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0065
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.53133_53134delAG, c.2506_2507delAG,
Systematic name r.2506_2507delag, p.Arg836fsX18
Original code   BSR173 (Foundred 4)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     12 leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 53133..53134
Feature           /change: -ag
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 12
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2580..2581
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 836
Feature           /change: R -> GTEGHPDSAE DSQTSGVX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 53133..53134
Feature           /change: -ag
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 12
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2580..2581
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 836
Feature           /change: R -> GTEGHPDSAE DSQTSGVX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Spanish ancestry (Mexico)
ID              I841T(1),I841T(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0021
Original code   92(VaBi)
Description     Allele 1 and 2; point mutation leading to amino acid 
Description     substitution in DEAH helicase domain
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 7585968
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Groden, J., Ye, T. Z., Straughen, J.,
RefAuthors      Lennon, D. J., Ciocci, S., Proytcheva, M., German, J. 
RefTitle        The Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ
RefTitle        helicases
RefLoc          Cell 83:655-666 (1995)
DB CrossRef     OMIM; 210900.0003
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 92(VaBi)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2596
Feature           /codon: atc -> acc; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 841
Feature           /change: I -> T
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2596
Feature           /codon: atc -> acc; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 841
Feature           /change: I -> T
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; 
ID              C878R(1),C878R(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0033
Description     Allele 1 and 2; point mutation leading to amino acid 
Description     substitution in DEAH helicase domain
Date            25-Oct-2000 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            25-Oct-2000 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 10862105
RefCrossRef     Human Mutation, 
RefCrossRef     Mutation and Polymorphism Report #129 (2000) Online
RefAuthors      Barakat, A., Ababou, M., Onclercq, R., Dutertre, S., 
RefAuthors      Chadli, E., Hda, N., Benslimane, A., Amor-Gueret, M.
RefTitle        Identification of a novel BLM missense mutation (2706T>C)
RefTitle        in a Moroccan patient with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          Hum. Mutat. 15:584-585(2000)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2706
Feature           /codon: tgc -> cgc; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 878
Feature           /change: C -> R
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /change: t -> c
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2706
Feature           /codon: tgc -> cgc; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 878
Feature           /change: C -> R
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Morocco 
ID              W881X(1),W881X(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0133
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.66505G>A, c.2643G>A, r.2643g>a, p.Trp881X
Original code   BSR149
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 13 leading to
Description     a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 66505
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 13
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2717
Feature           /codon: tgg -> tga; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 881
Feature           /change: W -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 66505
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 13
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2717
Feature           /codon: tgg -> tga; 3
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 881
Feature           /change: W -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Turkish
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              G891E(1),?; preliminary; MUTATION; DEAH
Accession       B0022
Description     Allele 1; missense mutation leading to amino acid change 
Description     in DEAH helicase domain
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 891
Feature           /change: G -> E
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              R899X(1),?; premilinary; MUTATION; DEAH
Accession       B0028
Description     Allele 1; nonsense mutation leading to stop codon and 
Description     premature termination in DEAH helicase domain
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              R899X(4),R899X(4); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0088
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.68549C>T, c.2695C>T, r.2695c>u, p.Arg899X
Original code   BSR21 (Foundred 8)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to
Description     a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; California
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              R899X(5),#D1010X1033(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,RecQCt
Accession       B0089
Systematic name Allele 1: g.68549C>T, c.2695C>T, r.2695c>u, p.Arg899X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.77771delG, c.3028delG, r.3028delg,
Systematic name p.Asp1010fsX24
Original code   BSR30 (Foundred 8/Foundred 11)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 16
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77771
Feature           /change: -g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3102
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1010
Feature           /change: D -> METIIQEKLT SIICIAWYIT VKIX
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Germany
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              R899X(6),R1139X(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,IR5
Accession       B0090
Systematic name Allele 1: g.68549C>T, c.2695C>T, r.2695c>u, p.Arg899X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.87173C>T, c.3415C>T, r.3415c>u, p.Arg1139X
Original code   BSR109 (Foundred 8)
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 18 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87173
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 18
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3489
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1139
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: IR5
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; New York
ID              R899X(8),R899X(8); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0092
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.68549C>T, c.2695C>T, r.2695c>u, p.Arg899X
Original code   BSR136 (Foundred 8)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to
Description     a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Maryland
ID              R899X(9),R899X(9); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0093
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.68549C>T, c.2695C>T, r.2695c>u, p.Arg899X
Original code   BSR185 (Foundred 8)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to
Description     a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; El Salvadoran (Ontario)
ID              R899X(10),R899X(10); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0094
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.68549C>T, c.2695C>T, r.2695c>u, p.Arg899X
Original code   BSR191 (Foundred 8)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to
Description     a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; South Carolina
ID              C901Y(1),?; preliminary; MUTATION; DEAH
Accession       B0023
Description     Allele 1; missense mutation leading to amino acid change 
Description     in DEAH helicase domain
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 901
Feature           /change: C -> Y
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              C901Y(2),C901Y(2); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0125
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.68556G>A, c.2702G>A, r.2702g>a,
Systematic name p.Cys901Tyr
Original code   BSR40
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the DEAH domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68556
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2776
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tat; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 901
Feature           /change: C -> Y
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68556
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2776
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tat; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 901
Feature           /change: C -> Y
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; N. American
ID              Q941X(1),C1036F(2); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,RecQCt
Accession       B0146
Systematic name Allele 1: g.68675C>T, c.2821C>T, r.2821c>u, p.Gln941X
Systematic name Allele 2: g.77850G>T, c.3107G>T, r.3107g>u, p.Cys1036Phe
Original code   IC-I1
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 16 leading to an
Description     amino acid change in the RecQCt domain
Date            15-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            15-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED;  18471088
RefAuthors      Amor-Gueret, M., Dubois-d'Enghien, C., Lauge, A., Onclercq-
RefAuthors      Delic, R., Barakat, A., Chadli, E., Bousfiha, A. A., 
RefAuthors      Benjelloun, M., Flori, E., Doray, B., Laugel, V., 
RefAuthors      Lourenxo, M. T., Gonxalves, R., Sousa, S., Couturier, J., 
RefAuthors      Stoppa-Lyonnet, D.
RefTitle        Three new BLM gene mutations associated with bloom 
RefTitle        syndrome.
RefLoc          Genet Test:257-261 (2008)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68675
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004; GI:1705486; BLMC: 2895
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: BLM_HUMAN: 941
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77850
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004; GI:1705486; BLMC: 3181
Feature           /codon: tgc -> ttc; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: BLM_HUMAN: 1036
Feature           /change: C -> F
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Symptoms        Pigmentation spots on the body; Ocular telangiectasia;
Age             1
Sex             XX
Parents         Non-consanguineous
ID              G952V(1),G952V(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0142
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.74276G>T, c.2855G>T, r.2855g>u,
Systematic name p.Gly952Val
Original code   BSR223
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 15 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the DEAH domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74276
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2929
Feature           /codon: ggg -> gtg; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 952
Feature           /change: G -> V
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74276
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2929
Feature           /codon: ggg -> gtg; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 952
Feature           /change: G -> V
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italian
ID              H963Y(1),H963Y(1); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0132
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.74308C>T, c.2887C>T, r.2887c>u,
Systematic name p.His963Tyr
Original code   BSR123
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 15 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the DEAH domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74308
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2961
Feature           /codon: cat -> tat; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 963
Feature           /change: H -> Y
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74308
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2961
Feature           /codon: cat -> tat; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 963
Feature           /change: H -> Y
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Mestiza
ID              #Y974X998(1),?; premilinary; MUTATION; DEAH
Accession       B0030
Description     Allele 1; deletion leading to frameshift and premature 
Description     termination in DEAH helicase domain
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /change: -c
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2996
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 974
Feature           /change: Y ->  YKNLAELEEM GKYLTACFSI PIMMX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              #Q975X998(3),#Q975X998(3); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0096
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.74344delC, c.2923delC, r.2923delc,
Systematic name p.Gln975fsX24
Original code   BSR69 (Foundred 9)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     15 leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74344
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2997
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: Q -> KNLAELEEMG KYLTACFSIP IMMX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74344
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2997
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: Q -> KNLAELEEMG KYLTACFSIP IMMX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Washington
ID              #Q975X998(4),#Q975X998(4); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0097
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.74344delC, c.2923delC, r.2923delc,
Systematic name p.Gln975fsX24
Original code   BSR137 (Foundred 9)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     15 leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74344
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2997
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: Q -> KNLAELEEMG KYLTACFSIP IMMX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74344
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2997
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: Q -> KNLAELEEMG KYLTACFSIP IMMX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Australia
ID              #Q975X998(6),#Q975X998(6); standard; MUTATION; DEAH,DEAH
Accession       B0099
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.74344delC, c.2923delC, r.2923delc,
Systematic name p.Gln975fsX24
Original code   BSR176 (Foundred 9)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     15 leading to a premature stop codon in the DEAH domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74344
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2997
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: Q -> KNLAELEEMG KYLTACFSIP IMMX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74344
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2997
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: Q -> KNLAELEEMG KYLTACFSIP IMMX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; French Canadian (Quebec)
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              #D1010X1033(2),#D1010X1033(2); standard; MUTATION; RecQCt,RecQCt
Accession       B0102
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.77771delG, c.3028delG, r.3028delg,
Systematic name p.Asp1010fsX24
Original code   BSR52 (Foundred 11)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     16 leading to a premature stop codon in the RecQCt domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77771
Feature           /change: -g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3102
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1010
Feature           /change: D -> METIIQEKLT SIICIAWYIT VKIX
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77771
Feature           /change: -g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3102
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1010
Feature           /change: D -> METIIQEKLT SIICIAWYIT VKIX
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Germany
ID              C1036F(1),?; standard; MUTATION; RecQCt
Accession       B0007
Original code   PuCh
Description     Allele 1; point mutation leading to amino acid 
Description     substitution in RecQ Ct domain
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 9285778
RefAuthors      Foucault, F., Vaury, C., Barakat, A., Thibout, D., 
RefAuthors      Planchon, P., Jaulin, C., Praz, F., Amor-Gu?ret, M.
RefTitle        Characterization of a new BLM mutation associated with 
RefTitle        a topoisomerase II alpha defect in a patient with Bloom's
RefTitle        syndrome
RefLoc          Hum. Mol. Genet. 6:1427-1434 (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /change: g -> t
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3181
Feature           /codon: tgc -> ttc; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1036
Feature           /change: C -> F
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italian
Family history  inherited
ID              Q1040X(1),Q1040X(1); standard; MUTATION; RecQCt,RecQCt
Accession       B0123
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.77861C>T, c.3118C>T, r.3118c>u,
Systematic name p.Gln1040X
Original code   BSR10
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 16 leading to
Description     a premature stop codon in the RecQCt domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77861
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3192
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1040
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77861
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3192
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1040
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; N. American
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              #F1050X1077(1),?; premilinary; MUTATION; RecQCt
Accession       B0031
Description     Allele 1; deletion leading to frameshift and premature 
Description     termination in RecQ C-terminal region
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /change: -t
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3223
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1050
Feature           /change: F -> LILIFVRNTQ MFLVIIAVKQR IIKQEMX
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              C1055S(1),C1055S(1); standard; MUTATION; RecQCt,RecQCt
Accession       B0006
Original code   113(DaDem)
Description     Allele 1 and 2; point mutation leading to amino acid 
Description     substitution in RecQ Ct domain
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 7585968
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Groden, J., Ye, T. Z., Straughen, J.,
RefAuthors      Lennon, D. J., Ciocci, S., Proytcheva, M., German, J. 
RefTitle        The Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ
RefTitle        helicases
RefLoc          Cell 83:655-666 (1995)
DB CrossRef     BS Registry; 113(DaDem)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /change: g -> c
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3238
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tct; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1055
Feature           /change: C -> S
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /change: g -> c
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3238
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tct; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1055
Feature           /change: C -> S
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid;
ID              C1055S(3),C1055S(3); standard; MUTATION; RecQCt,RecQCt
Accession       B0114
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.77907G>C, c.3164G>C, r.3164g>c,
Systematic name p.Cys1055Ser
Original code   BSR113 (Foundred 18)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 16 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the RecQCt domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77907
Feature           /change: g -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3238
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tct; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1055
Feature           /change: C -> S
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77907
Feature           /change: g -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3238
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tct; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1055
Feature           /change: C -> S
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italian (New York)
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              C1055S(4),C1055S(4); standard; MUTATION; RecQCt,RecQCt
Accession       B0115
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.77907G>C, c.3164G>C, r.3164g>c,
Systematic name p.Cys1055Ser
Original code   BSR222 (Foundred 18)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 16 leading to
Description     an amino acid change in the RecQCt domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77907
Feature           /change: g -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3238
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tct; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1055
Feature           /change: C -> S
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 77907
Feature           /change: g -> c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 16
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3238
Feature           /codon: tgt -> tct; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1055
Feature           /change: C -> S
Feature           /domain: RecQCt
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italy
ID              @R1086X(1),@R1086X(1); standard; MUTATION; IR5,IR5
Accession       B0134
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.81830_81831insT, c.3255_3256insT,
Systematic name r.3255_3256insu, p.Arg1086X
Original code   BSR166
Description     Allele 1 and 2: An insertion mutation in the exon 17
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR5 domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: insertion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 81831
Feature           /change: +t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 17
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3330
Feature           /codon: aga -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1086
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: IR5
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: insertion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 81831
Feature           /change: +t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 17
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3330
Feature           /codon: aga -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1086
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: IR5
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Tunisian
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              #F1087X1097(1),?; premilinary; MUTATION; IR5
Accession       B0032
Description     Allele 1; deletion leading to frameshift and premature 
Description     termination in intervening region 5
Description     Allele 2; unknown
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            26-May-1999 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefAuthors      Ellis, N. A., Giocci, S., Ye, T., Neff, N., German, J.
RefTitle        Mutational analysis of the BLM gene in 
RefTitle        non-Ashkenazi-Jewish persons with Bloom's syndrome
RefLoc          (in) Byers, P. H.(Ed.), The American Journal of Human 
RefLoc          Genetics, Program and abstracts of 1997 annual meeting, 
RefLoc          vol. 61(4) Suppl., Posters: Molecular Basis of Mendelian 
RefLoc          Disorders, Abs. 1943, p. A332, The Lund University Chicago 
RefLoc          press, (1997)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink; 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /change: -t
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink; 1
Feature           /aalink; 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3333
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1087
Feature           /change: F -> LFKNIVHHKE X
Feature           /domain: IR5
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink; 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink; 4
Feature           /aalink; 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
ID              #F1087X1097(4),#F1087X1097(4); standard; MUTATION; IR5,IR5
Accession       B0100
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.81836delT, c.3261delT, r.3261delu,
Systematic name p.Phe1087fsX11
Original code   BSR22 (Foundred 10)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     17 leading to a premature stop codon in the IR5 domain
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 81836
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 17
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3335
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1087
Feature           /change: F -> LFKNIVHHKE X
Feature           /domain: IR5
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 81836
Feature           /change: -t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 17
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3335
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1087
Feature           /change: F -> LFKNIVHHKE X
Feature           /domain: IR5
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Illinois
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              S1093X(1),S1093X(1); standard; MUTATION; IR5,IR5
Accession       B0140
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.81853C>G, c.3278C>G, r.3278c>g,
Systematic name p.Ser1093X
Original code   BSR215
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 17 leading to
Description     a premature stop codon in the IR5 domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 81853
Feature           /change: c -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 17
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3352
Feature           /codon: tca -> tga; 2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1093
Feature           /change: S -> X
Feature           /domain: IR5
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 81853
Feature           /change: c -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 17
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3352
Feature           /codon: tca -> tga; 2
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1093
Feature           /change: S -> X
Feature           /domain: IR5
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Brazilian
ID              #S1196X1198(1),Deletion(4); standard; MUTATION; IR5,HRDC
Accession       B0068
Systematic name Allele 1: g.87791delG, c.3587delG, r.3587delg,
Systematic name p.Ser1196fsX3
Original code   BSR216 (Foundred 5/Foundred 6)
Description     Allele 1: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 19
Description     leading to a premature stop codon in the IR5 domain
Description     Allele 2: Deletion of exons 20-22
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87791
Feature           /change: -g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 19
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3661
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1196
Feature           /change: S -> TVX
Feature           /domain: IR5
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 20-22
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3826..
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /note: the putative effect on the protein is p.Glu1251fs
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Brazilian
ID              #S1196X1198(2),#S1196X1198(2); standard; MUTATION; IR5,IR5
Accession       B0069
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.87791delG, c.3587delG, r.3587delg,
Systematic name p.Ser1196fsX3
Original code   BSR217 (Foundred 6)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     19 leading to a premature stop codon in the IR5 domain
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87791
Feature           /change: -g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 19
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3661
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1196
Feature           /change: S -> TVX
Feature           /domain: IR5
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87791
Feature           /change: -g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 19
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3661
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1196
Feature           /change: S -> TVX
Feature           /domain: IR5
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Brazilian
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              #S1196X1198(3),#S1196X1198(3); standard; MUTATION; IR5,IR5
Accession       B0145
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.87791delG, c.3587delG, r.3587delg,
Systematic name p.Ser1196fsX3
Original code   IC-P1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     19 leading to a premature stop codon in the IR5 domain
Date            15-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            15-Jul-2010 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED;  18471088
RefAuthors      Amor-Gueret, M., Dubois-d'Enghien, C., Lauge, A., Onclercq-
RefAuthors      Delic, R., Barakat, A., Chadli, E., Bousfiha, A. A., 
RefAuthors      Benjelloun, M., Flori, E., Doray, B., Laugel, V., 
RefAuthors      Lourenxo, M. T., Gonxalves, R., Sousa, S., Couturier, J., 
RefAuthors      Stoppa-Lyonnet, D.
RefTitle        Three new BLM gene mutations associated with bloom 
RefTitle        syndrome.
RefLoc          Genet Test:257-261 (2008)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87791
Feature           /change: -g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 19
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004; GI:1705486; BLMC: 3661
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: BLM_HUMAN: 1196
Feature           /change: S -> TVX
Feature           /domain: IR5
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87791
Feature           /change: -g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 19
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004; GI:1705486; BLMC: 3661
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISS-PROT: BLM_HUMAN: 1196
Feature           /change: S -> TVX
Feature           /domain: IR5
Symptoms        Pigmentation spots on the body; Respiratory tract
Symptoms        infections; Sun-sensitive erythema
Age             28
Sex             XX
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              @T1243X1256(1),@T1243X1256(1); standard; MUTATION; HRDC,HRDC
Accession       B0130
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.87931dupA, c.3727dupA, r.3727dupa,
Systematic name p.Thr1243fsX14
Original code   BSR104
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift duplication mutation in the
Description     exon 19 leading to a premature stop codon in the HRDC
Description     domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87932
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 19
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3802
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1243
Feature           /change: T -> NRHSQEACRI FIFX
Feature           /domain: HRDC
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: duplication
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87932
Feature           /change: +a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 19
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3802
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1243
Feature           /change: T -> NRHSQEACRI FIFX
Feature           /domain: HRDC
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; German
ID              Q1283X(1),Q1283X(1); standard; MUTATION; HRDC,HRDC
Accession       B0122
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.92828C>T, c.3847C>T, r.3847c>u,
Systematic name p.Gln1283X
Original code   BSR7
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 20 leading to
Description     a premature stop codon in the HRDC domain
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 92828
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 20
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3921
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1283
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: HRDC
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 92828
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 20
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3921
Feature           /codon: cag -> tag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 1283
Feature           /change: Q -> X
Feature           /domain: HRDC
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italian
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              Intron 9(1),?; standard; MUTATION;
Accession       B0138
Systematic name Allele 1: g.IVS9+2T>G, c.2193+2T>G, r.2193+2u>g
Original code   BSR205
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the intron 9 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 49012
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 9
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: +2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Welsh
ID              Intron 11(1),?; standard; MUTATION;
Accession       B0141
Systematic name Allele 1: g.IVS11+2T>G, c.2406+2T>G, r.2406+2u>g
Original code   BSR218
Description     Allele 1: A point mutation in the intron 11 leading
Description     to an amino acid change
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 52829
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 11
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: +2
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Portuguese
ID              Intron 18(1),Intron 18(1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       B0137
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.IVS18+1G>A, c.3558+1G>A, r.3558+1g>a
Original code   BSR198
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the intron 18 leading
Description     to an amino acid change
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            16-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87317
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 18
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: +1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 87317
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 18
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: +1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italian
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              Deletion(2),Deletion(2); standard; MUTATION; HRDC,HRDC
Accession       B0066
Original code   BSR181 (Foundred 5)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: Deletion of exons 20-22
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 20-22
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3826..
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /note: the putative effect on the protein is p.Glu1251fs
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 20-22
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3826..
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /note: proposed effect on the protein is p.Glu1251fs
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Portuguese (Switzerland)
ID              Deletion(3),Deletion(3); standard; MUTATION; HRDC,HRDC
Accession       B0067
Original code   BSR195 (Foundred 5)
Description     Allele 1 and 2: Deletion of exons 20-22
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            10-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 20-22
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3826..
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /note: the putative effect on the protein is p.Glu1251fs
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 20-22
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 3826..
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /note: the putative effect on the protein is p.Glu1251fs
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Brazilian 
ID              Deletion(4),R899X(7); standard; MUTATION; ,DEAH
Accession       B0091
Systematic name Allele 2: g.68549C>T, c.2695C>T, r.2695c>u, p.Arg899X
Original code   BSR111 (Foundred 8)
Description     Allele 1: A large deletion from the intron 10 to the intron Description     Allele 1: 12 
Description     Allele 2: A point mutation in the exon 14 leading to a
Description     premature stop codon
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 52612..60602
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 10, exon; 11, intron; 11, exon Feature           /genomic_region: 12, intron 12
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: -117
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 68549
Feature           /change: c -> t
Feature           /CpG; 1
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 14
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2769
Feature           /codon: cga -> tga; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 899
Feature           /change: R -> X
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Massachusetts
ID              Deletion(5),#Q975X998(2); standard; MUTATION; ,DEAH
Accession       B0095
Systematic name Allele 2: g.74344delC, c.2923delC, r.2923delc,
Systematic name p.Gln975fsX24
Original code   BSR20 (Foundred 9)
Description     Allele 1: A deletion from the intron 14 to the intron 15
Description     Allele 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon 15
Description     leading to a premature stop codon
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            11-May-2007 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17407155
RefAuthors      German, J., Sanz, M. M., Ciocci, S., Ye, T. Z., Ellis, N. 
RefAuthors      A.
RefTitle        Syndrome-causing mutations of the BLM gene in persons in 
RefTitle        the bloom's syndrome registry.
RefLoc          Hum Mutat 28(8):743-53 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 73168..74750
Feature           /change: -aatgtagatg gatgactaac cgagagcgca ggccactcac
Feature           /change:  cgccattcct ggtgttgata aatgtacccc tttactgtcc
Feature           /change:  acatactcca gagcttgcag ttccttccgc tggtactcac
Feature           /change:  agttactgaa atcatgtcat tagtctcagt ctgcctgcca
Feature           /change:  gatatttcag atgcctttga aatactgttc ttgcagtagc
Feature           /change:  aattcatttt tttaagtgct aaaaaaaaac ttgcagtttt
Feature           /change:  atttgtgaag tgtaattttg cctggagata taacattttg
Feature           /change:  gtctgggtta aatagctcct aaattctcaa ctgaaatgga
Feature           /change:  tatccttgaa aactgattta tcaagctcct gagagtgaac
Feature           /change:  tatcaccttg cttccactaa gtaatttgta aggtctaaga
Feature           /change:  tccgcagtcc ctggtgtttt tttttttttt tttttttttt
Feature           /change:  tttttttttt ttggtataag tagctctcag acttttaccc
Feature           /change:  acatgagttt ccattaaaat tgtacaagct ttgactttaa
Feature           /change:  atcagctgat gaatagaagg agttgatgtg tgatcagctg
Feature           /change:  gtgctattgg gaaaactgat gataagcagt ggagcaggta
Feature           /change:  agaacgtatt gttcctgaac cattggagga actagcagca
Feature           /change:  gtgacctctg aggagccctg ggaacaccct ggagctcctg
Feature           /change:  agcaacacgt tgcttgtgat cactgacctg gatatcatga
Feature           /change:  ctgtgtgagc aacacccccc acacctcagt agcaaaaaca
Feature           /change:  gagaacagtg gcagcacatc gtgggctgac tgcagttgat
Feature           /change:  tctggctctc ttacatgaga atgccaagtc atacaagaaa
Feature           /change:  gtgcctgcca tgctgagctt ctctttacct tcttgggttt
Feature           /change:  taatggcatt gcaagttatc agtataaaaa ctcatattag
Feature           /change:  ttatactaaa tagttggacc aagttaagat attaggttgt
Feature           /change:  tatgtagtgt gcattttaaa gtaaaacaaa tgatagagct
Feature           /change:  tttagaagca tctattatga aaatgttcct tcaagtctgt
Feature           /change:  gccttatgaa tctaataagc ttttgctttt atatcaggtt
Feature           /change:  atctgtgcta caattgcatt tggaatgggg attgacaaac
Feature           /change:  cggacgtgcg atttgtgatt catgcatctc tccctaaatc
Feature           /change:  tgtggagggt tactaccaag aatctggcag agctggaaga
Feature           /change:  gatggggaaa tatctcactg cctgcttttc tatacctatc
Feature           /change:  atgatgtgac cagactgaaa agacttataa tgagtaagct
Feature           /change:  gggctccatt gtagagacat tctgtcatct tcagcctcat
Feature           /change:  gatagtagtc tactcctgct attgtggtac ttctggtcca
Feature           /change:  gttttcctta aataatcgta gaaaaataga ggagtttata
Feature           /change:  cagattggca attttatttt agttcatttt tattataaaa
Feature           /change:  gtggtaagtg cttattttgt aaaactcaaa tgatacagat
Feature           /change:  gtgtacaagg cagaaaattt acaaaccatg ccttgtagtt
Feature           /change:  ttgcccccaa aataactcta gttattggtt tcctttgtat
Feature           /change:  cctttcagac cctatttctg cat
Feature           /genomic_region: intron; 14, exon; 15, intron; 15
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature           /inexloc: -1077
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: D0004: 74344
Feature           /change: -c
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 15
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: IDRefSeq: C0004: 2997
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P54132; BLM_HUMAN: 975
Feature           /change: Q -> KNLAELEEMG KYLTACFSIP IMMX
Feature           /domain: DEAH
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Maryland