- databases for immunodeficiency-causing variations

   Variation registry for  μ heavy chain deficiency

Database        IGHMbase
Version         1.1
File            ighmpub.html
Date            21-Aug-2008
Curator         Mauno Vihinen
Address         Protein Structure and Bioinformatics 
Address         Lund University, BMC D10, SE-22184 Lund, Sweden
Phone           +46 72 526 0022
Fax             +46 46 222 9328
Email           Mauno Vihinen
IDR factfile
Gene            IGHM
Disease         mu heavy-chain deficiency 
OMIM            147020
GDB             120086
Sequence        EMBL:X57331; EMBL:X17115; UniProt:P01871 
Numbering       start of the entry
Funding         Tampere University Hospital Medical Research Fund
Funding         European Union
Comments        sequence entry reference in every entry
ID              #T400X402(1a),#T400X402(1a); standard; MUTATION; CH4,CH4
Accession       I0019
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1217delA, c.1198delA, r.1198dela,
Systematic name p.Thr400fsX3
Original code   P21
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     3 leading to a premature stop codon in the CH4 domain
Date            05-Jun-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            05-Jun-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17410177
RefAuthors      Ferrari, S., Zuntini, R., Lougaris, V., Soresina, A., 
RefAuthors      Sourkova, V., Fiorini, M., Martino, S., Rossi, P., 
RefAuthors      Pietrogrande, M. C., Martire, B., Spadaro, G., Cardinale, 
RefAuthors      F., Cossu, F., Pierani, P., Quinti, I., Rossi, C., 
RefAuthors      Plebani, A.
RefTitle        Molecular analysis of the pre-BCR complex in a large 
RefTitle        cohort of patients affected by autosomal-recessive 
RefTitle        agammaglobulinemia.
RefLoc          Genes Immun:325-333 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1217
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; GI:127514; : 1270
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 400
Feature           /change: T -> QTX
Feature           /domain: CH4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1217
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; GI:127514; : 1270
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 400
Feature           /change: T -> QTX
Feature           /domain: CH4
Sex             XY
Relative        IGHMbase; I0020sister
Relative        Other affected family members: Yes; phenotype:same
IgA             <6.5 mg/dl
IgM             <18 mg/dl
ID              #T400X402(1b),#T400X402(1b); standard; MUTATION; CH4,CH4
Accession       I0020
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1217delA, c.1198delA, r.1198dela,
Systematic name p.Thr400fsX3
Original code   P22
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A frame shift deletion mutation in the exon
Description     3 leading to a premature stop codon in the CH4 domain
Date            05-Jun-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            05-Jun-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17410177
RefAuthors      Ferrari, S., Zuntini, R., Lougaris, V., Soresina, A., 
RefAuthors      Sourkova, V., Fiorini, M., Martino, S., Rossi, P., 
RefAuthors      Pietrogrande, M. C., Martire, B., Spadaro, G., Cardinale, 
RefAuthors      F., Cossu, F., Pierani, P., Quinti, I., Rossi, C., 
RefAuthors      Plebani, A.
RefTitle        Molecular analysis of the pre-BCR complex in a large 
RefTitle        cohort of patients affected by autosomal-recessive 
RefTitle        agammaglobulinemia.
RefLoc          Genes Immun:325-333 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1217
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; GI:127514; : 1270
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 400
Feature           /change: T -> QTX
Feature           /domain: CH4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1217
Feature           /change: -a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; GI:127514; : 1270
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 400
Feature           /change: T -> QTX
Feature           /domain: CH4
Status quo      Deceased
Sex             XX
Relative        IGHMbase; I0019brother
Relative        Other affected family members: Yes; phenotype:same
IgA             <6.5 mg/dl
IgM             <18 mg/dl
ID              W412X(1),Deletion (1); standard; MUTATION; CH4
Accession       I0017
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1255G>A, c.1308G>A, p.W412X
Original code   F10-1
Description     Allele 1: point mutation in the exon 3 leading to a 
Description     premature stop codon in the CH4 domain
Description     Allele 2: 40-kb deletion
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1255
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 3
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: nonsense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1308
Feature           /codon: tgg -> tga; 3
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 412
Feature           /change: W -> X
Feature           /domain: CH4
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /note: 40-kb deletion
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Symptoms        Other clinical features: significant enteroviral infection
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Argentina
ID              #P322X405(1),#P322X405(1); standard; MUTATION; CH3,CH3
Accession       I0012
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.738_739delAA, c.1036_1037delAA, 
Systematic name p.P322fsX405
Original code   F6-1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: deletion in the exon 2 leading to a 
Description     premature stop codon in the CH3 domain
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 738..739
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature           /note: deletion may be as well g.739_740delAA, 
Feature           /note: c.1037_1038delAA
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1036..1037
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 322
Feature           /change:    K 
Feature           /change:    DHLX
Feature           /domain: CH3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 738..739
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature           /note: deletion may be as well g.739_740delAA, 
Feature           /note: c.1037_1038delAA
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1036..1037
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 322
Feature           /change:    K 
Feature           /change:    DHLX
Feature           /domain: CH3
Symptoms        Infections: 
Symptoms           Bacterial: pneumonia
Symptoms        Other clinical features: Pseudomonas sepsis, neutropenia, 
Symptoms        failure to thrive, diarrhea, otitis, arthritis
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Spain
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              #P322X405(2),#P322X405(2); standard; MUTATION; CH3,CH3
Accession       I0013
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.738_739delAA, c.1036_1037delAA, 
Systematic name p.P322fsX405
Original code   F9-1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: deletion in the exon 2 leading to a 
Description     premature stop codon in the CH3 domain
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 738..739
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature           /note: deletion may be as well g.739_740delAA, 
Feature           /note: c.1037_1038delAA
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1036..1037
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 322
Feature           /change:    K 
Feature           /change:    DHLX
Feature           /domain: CH3
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 738..739
Feature           /change: -aa
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 2
Feature           /note: deletion may be as well g.739_740delAA, 
Feature           /note: c.1037_1038delAA
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: frameshift
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1036..1037
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: out of frame translation; premature termination
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 322
Feature           /change:    K 
Feature           /change:    DHLX
Feature           /domain: CH3
Symptoms        Other clinical features: Pseudomonas sepsis, diarrhea, 
Symptoms        conjunctivitis, bronchiectasis
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Spain
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              C566G(1),Deletion (1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0004
Systematic name Allele 1: g.1893T>G, c.1768T>G, p.C566G
Original code   Patient 7
Description     Allele 1: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an amino 
Description     acid change
Description     Allele 2: Large undefined deletion 
Date            28-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8890099
RefAuthors      Yel, L., Minegishi, Y., Coustan-Smith, E., Buckley, R. H., 
RefAuthors      Trubel, H., Pachman, L. M., Kitchingman, G. R., Campana, 
RefAuthors      D., Rohrer, J., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Mutations in the mu heavy-chain gene in patients with 
RefTitle        agammaglobulinemia.
RefLoc          N Engl J Med 335:1486-1493 (1996)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1893
Feature           /change: t -> g
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1768
Feature           /codon: tgc -> ggc; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 566
Feature           /change: C -> G
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /note: greater than 260 kb
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   USA/Korea
ID              E587K(1a),E587K(1a); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0001
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956G>A, c.1831G>A, p.E587K
Original code   Patient 2
Description     Allele 1 and 2: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an 
Description     amino acid change
Date            27-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8890099
RefAuthors      Yel, L., Minegishi, Y., Coustan-Smith, E., Buckley, R. H., 
RefAuthors      Trubel, H., Pachman, L. M., Kitchingman, G. R., Campana, 
RefAuthors      D., Rohrer, J., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Mutations in the mu heavy-chain gene in patients with 
RefTitle        agammaglobulinemia.
RefLoc          N Engl J Med 335:1486-1493 (1996)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: the change would cause a substitution of S for G 
Feature           /note: in the secreted form of the mu chain, or K would 
Feature           /note: be substituted for the wild type E in the 
Feature           /note: membrane form, or loss of the consensus G at the 
Feature           /note: -1 position would be expected to markedly reduce 
Feature           /note: efficient splicing
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4 
Feature           /note: the change would cause a substitution of S for G 
Feature           /note: in the secreted form of the mu chain, or K would 
Feature           /note: be substituted for the wild type E in the 
Feature           /note: membrane form, or loss of the consensus G at the 
Feature           /note: -1 position would be expected to markedly reduce 
Feature           /note: efficient splicing
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Symptoms        Other clinical features: chronic enteroviral encephalitis, 
Symptoms        mental retardation
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; USA
Parents         Consanguineous
Relative        IGHMbase; I0002 second cousin
Relative        IGHMbase; I0003 second cousin
Relative        Other affected family members: Yes
Diagnosis       Date: 1979
ID              E587K(1b),E587K(1b); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0002
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956G>A, c.1831G>A, p.E587K
Original code   Patient 3
Description     Allele 1 and 2: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an 
Description     amino acid change
Date            27-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8890099
RefAuthors      Yel, L., Minegishi, Y., Coustan-Smith, E., Buckley, R. H., 
RefAuthors      Trubel, H., Pachman, L. M., Kitchingman, G. R., Campana, 
RefAuthors      D., Rohrer, J., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Mutations in the mu heavy-chain gene in patients with 
RefTitle        agammaglobulinemia.
RefLoc          N Engl J Med 335:1486-1493 (1996)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: the change would cause a substitution of S for G 
Feature           /note: in the secreted form of the mu chain, or K would 
Feature           /note: be substituted for the wild type E in the 
Feature           /note: membrane form, or loss of the consensus G at the 
Feature           /note: -1 position would be expected to markedly reduce 
Feature           /note: efficient splicing
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: the change would cause a substitution of S for G 
Feature           /note: in the secreted form of the mu chain, or K would 
Feature           /note: be substituted for the wild type E in the 
Feature           /note: membrane form, or loss of the consensus G at the 
Feature           /note: -1 position would be expected to markedly reduce 
Feature           /note: efficient splicing
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Symptoms        Other clinical features: bronchopneumonia and 
Symptoms        gastroenteritis at seven months of age
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; USA
Parents         Consanguineous
Relative        IGHMbase; I0001 second cousin
Relative        IGHMbase; I0003 brother
Relative        Other affected family members: Yes
Diagnosis       Date: 1991
ID              E587K(1c),E587K(1c); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0003
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956G>A, c.1831G>A, p.E587K
Original code   Patient 4
Description     Allele 1 and 2: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an 
Description     amino acid change
Date            27-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            27-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8890099
RefAuthors      Yel, L., Minegishi, Y., Coustan-Smith, E., Buckley, R. H., 
RefAuthors      Trubel, H., Pachman, L. M., Kitchingman, G. R., Campana, 
RefAuthors      D., Rohrer, J., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Mutations in the mu heavy-chain gene in patients with 
RefTitle        agammaglobulinemia.
RefLoc          N Engl J Med 335:1486-1493 (1996)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: the change would cause a substitution of S for G 
Feature           /note: in the secreted form of the mu chain, or K would 
Feature           /note: be substituted for the wild type E in the 
Feature           /note: membrane form, or loss of the consensus G at the 
Feature           /note: -1 position would be expected to markedly reduce 
Feature           /note: efficient splicing 
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: the change would cause a substitution of S for G 
Feature           /note: in the secreted form of the mu chain, or K would 
Feature           /note: be substituted for the wild type E in the 
Feature           /note: membrane form, or loss of the consensus G at the 
Feature           /note: -1 position would be expected to markedly reduce 
Feature           /note: efficient splicing
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; USA
Parents         Consanguineous
Relative        IGHMbase; I0001 second cousin
Relative        IGHMbase; I0002 brother
Relative        Other affected family members: Yes
Diagnosis       Date: 1991
ID              E587K(2),E587K(2); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0005
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956delG, c.1831delG, p.E587K
Original code   F4-1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an 
Description     amino acid change
Date            28-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 ()
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Symptoms        Infections: 
Symptoms           Bacterial: pneumonia
Symptoms        Other clinical features: Enteroviral infection, 
Symptoms        neutropenia
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   USA
Parents         Consanguineous
Status quo      Deceased
ID              E587K(3a),E587K(3a); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0006
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956delG, c.1831delG, p.E587K
Original code   F5-1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an 
Description     amino acid change
Date            28-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 ()
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Symptoms        Infections: 
Symptoms           Bacterial: pneumonia
Symptoms        Gastro-intestinal tract manifestations
Symptoms           Diarrhea, gastroenteritis
Symptoms        Other clinical features: bronchiectasis, rhinopharyngitis, 
Symptoms        stomatitis, 
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XY
Age             4
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Sweden
Parents         Consanguineous
Relative        IGHMbase; I0007 cousin
Relative        Other affected family members: Yes
Status quo      Alive
ID              E587K(3b),E587K(3b); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0007
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956delG, c.1831delG, p.E587K
Original code   F5-2
Description     Allele 1 and 2: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an 
Description     amino acid change
Date            28-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            28-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 ()
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Symptoms        Other clinical features: recurrent pharyngitis, otitis, 
Symptoms        sinusitis, skin infections, recurrent pneumonias, 
Symptoms        conjunctivitis, severe blepharoconjunctivitis resulting 
Symptoms        some vision loss
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Sweden
Parents         Consanguineous
Relative        IGHMbase; I0006 cousin
Relative        Other affected family members: Yes
Status quo      Alive
ID              E587K(5),E587K(5); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0008
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956G>A, c.1831G>A, p.E587K
Original code   F8-1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an 
Description     amino acid change
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Symptoms        Other clinical features: Failure to thrive, neutropenia
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Spain
ID              E587K(6),E587K(6); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0009
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956G>A, c.1831G>A, p.E587K
Original code   F11-1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an 
Description     amino acid change
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Symptoms        Other clinical features: enteroviral infection
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italy
ID              E587K(7a),E587K(7a); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0010
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956G>A, c.1831G>A, p.E587K
Original code   F12-1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an 
Description     amino acid change
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule  
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italy
Parents         Consanguineous
Relative        IGHMbase; I0011 sister
Status quo      Deceased; cause of death: enteroviral encephalitis
ID              E587K(7b),E587K(7b); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0011
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956G>A, c.1831G>A, p.E587K
Original code   F12-3
Description     Allele 1 and 2: point mutation in the exon 4 leading to an 
Description     amino acid change
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule 
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and K to E in the membrane form of the molecule 
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; :127514: 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: UniProt: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Symptoms        Infections: 
Symptoms           Bacterial: pneumonia
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XX
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Italy
Parents         Consanguineous
Relative        IGHMbase; I0010 brother
ID              E587K(8),E587K(8); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0018
Systematic name Allele 1 and 2: g.1956G>A, c.1759G>A, r.1759g>a,
Systematic name p.Glu587Lys
Original code   P15
Description     Allele 1 and 2: A point mutation in the exon 4 leading to
Description     an amino acid change
Date            05-Jun-2008 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            05-Jun-2008 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 17410177
RefAuthors      Ferrari, S., Zuntini, R., Lougaris, V., Soresina, A., 
RefAuthors      Sourkova, V., Fiorini, M., Martino, S., Rossi, P., 
RefAuthors      Pietrogrande, M. C., Martire, B., Spadaro, G., Cardinale, 
RefAuthors      F., Cossu, F., Pierani, P., Quinti, I., Rossi, C., 
RefAuthors      Plebani, A.
RefTitle        Molecular analysis of the pre-BCR complex in a large 
RefTitle        cohort of patients affected by autosomal-recessive 
RefTitle        agammaglobulinemia.
RefLoc          Genes Immun:325-333 (2007)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and would lead to altered splicing 
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; GI:127514; : 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: point
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X57331: 1956
Feature           /change: g -> a
Feature           /CpG; 2
Feature           /genomic_region: exon; 4
Feature           /note: This alteration would change the G at this 
Feature           /note: codon to S in the secreted form of mu heavy chain 
Feature           /note: and would lead to altered splicing 
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: missense
Feature           /loc: EMBL: X17115; GI:127514; : 1831
Feature           /codon: gag -> aag; 1
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: aa substitution
Feature           /loc: SWISSPROT: P01871; MUC_HUMAN: 587
Feature           /change: E -> K
Sex             XX
IgA             <6.5 mg/dl
IgG             <5 mg/dl
IgM             <15 mg/dl
ID              Deletion (1),Deletion (1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0014
Original code   F7-1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: Large 125-kb deletion 
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /note: 125-kb deletion
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /note: 125-kb deletion
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Symptoms        Other clinical features: Pseudomonas sepsis, neutropenia
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Turkey
Parents         Consanguineous
ID              Deletion (1),Deletion (1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0015
Original code   F2-1
Description     Allele 1 and 2: Large 75-kb deletion 
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8890099
RefAuthors      Yel, L., Minegishi, Y., Coustan-Smith, E., Buckley, R. H., 
RefAuthors      Trubel, H., Pachman, L. M., Kitchingman, G. R., Campana, 
RefAuthors      D., Rohrer, J., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Mutations in the mu heavy-chain gene in patients with 
RefTitle        agammaglobulinemia.
RefLoc          N Engl J Med 335:1486-1493 (1996)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /note: 75-kb deletion
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /note: 75-kb deletion
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Symptoms        Other clinical features: Pseudomonas sepsis, otitis, 
Symptoms        arthritis, 
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Turkey
Relative        IGHMbase; I0016; sister
ID              Deletion (1),Deletion (1); standard; MUTATION;
Accession       I0016
Original code   F2-2
Description     Allele 1 and 2: Large 75-kb deletion 
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Created)
Date            31-Mar-2003 (Rel. 1, Last updated, Version 1)
RefNumber       [1]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 12370281
RefAuthors      Lopez Granados, E., Porpiglia, A. S., Hogan, M. B., 
RefAuthors      Matamoros, N., Krasovec, S., Pignata, C., Smith, C. I., 
RefAuthors      Hammarstrom, L., Bjorkander, J., Belohradsky, B. H., 
RefAuthors      Casariego, G. F., Garcia Rodriguez, M. C., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Clinical and molecular analysis of patients with defects 
RefTitle        in micro heavy chain gene.
RefLoc          J Clin Invest 110:1029-1035 (2002)
RefNumber       [2]
RefCrossRef     PUBMED; 8890099
RefAuthors      Yel, L., Minegishi, Y., Coustan-Smith, E., Buckley, R. H., 
RefAuthors      Trubel, H., Pachman, L. M., Kitchingman, G. R., Campana, 
RefAuthors      D., Rohrer, J., Conley, M. E.
RefTitle        Mutations in the mu heavy-chain gene in patients with 
RefTitle        agammaglobulinemia.
RefLoc          N Engl J Med 335:1486-1493 (1996)
FeatureHeader   allele; 1
Feature         dna; 1
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /note: 75-kb deletion
Feature         rna; 2
Feature           /dnalink: 1
Feature           /aalink: 3
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 3
Feature           /rnalink: 2
Feature           /name: unknown
FeatureHeader   allele; 2
Feature         dna; 4
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: deletion
Feature           /note: 75-kb deletion
Feature         rna; 5
Feature           /dnalink: 4
Feature           /aalink: 6
Feature           /name: unknown
Feature         aa; 6
Feature           /rnalink: 5
Feature           /name: unknown
Symptoms        Infections: 
Symptoms           Bacterial: pneumonia
Symptoms        Other clinical features: recurrent episodes of perirectal 
Symptoms        abscesses, 
Treatment       IVIG: constant
Treatment          Still on IVIG
Sex             XY
Ethnic origin   Caucasoid; Turkey
Relative        IGHMbase; I0015; brother