

2D DIGE image overlays enable easy visual comparison between two protein samples labeled with Cy3 and Cy5 and presented in green and red colors. The more mature B cell type is presented in red color. Triple image overlays enable comparison between the two samples in relative to internal standard sample (Stnd) labeled with Cy2 and presented in blue color.

Explanation for colors in double image overlays:
Yellow: Proteins shared between the two samples.
Green and red: Unique proteins in the sample. In Ramos samples (Gels 5-7) red indicates up-regulation and green down-regulation in response to anti-IgM stimulation.

Triple image overlays:
White: Proteins shared between the three samples (no difference in protein abundance).
Yellow: Proteins shared between the two samples. Protein abundance is high in the two samples in relative to Stnd.
Blue: Protein abundance is negligible in relative to Stnd.
Green and red: Unique proteins in the sample. Protein abundance is high in relative to Stnd and to the other sample.
Turquoise and purple: Protein abundance is higher/lower in relative to the other sample.


Proteins highlighted in red are identified either by PMF or by combining MS and MS/MS spectral data for database searches. Proteins highlighted in blue are identified by comparing their positions on 2D DIGE gel to known proteins in other lymphocyte 2DE databases. Move the mouse pointer over a spot to see the protein name and number referring to Table 1 and Supplementary Tables 2-3. Click on the spot to get UniProt information about the protein.

Original view

Interactive 2D DIGE map. B cell protein samples labeled with Cy3 and Cy5 and separated in nonlinear pH gradient 3-10. Internal standard is labeled with Cy2 and run on the same gel.

 © 2012

 University of Tampere
 IBT Bioinformatics

 Lund University
 Department of Experimental Medical Science

Interactive 2D DIGE maps


Gel 2.

697 and Ramos 2 h proteome samples labeled with Cy3 and Cy5 dyes, respectively, and separated in nonlinear pH gradient 3-10. Internal standard (Stnd) is pooled reference sample labeled with Cy2 and run on the same gel. Move the mouse pointer over a spot to see the protein name and number referring to Table 1 and Supplementary Tables 2-3. Click on the spot to get UniProt information about the protein.

697 (pre-B phenotype) compared to Ramos 2 h (immature B cell phenotype) in colors:

Double image overlay enable easy visual comparison between 697 (Cy3 green) and Ramos 2 h (Cy5 red). Green proteins are unique to 697 whereas red proteins are unique to Ramos. Red indicates, that protein abundance increases when pre-B cell differentiate into immature B cell, whereas green indicates that the abundance decreases. Yellow proteins are shared between 697 and Ramos (no difference in protein abundance).

Triple image overlay enable comparison between 697 (Cy3 green) and Ramos 2 h (Cy5 red) in relative to Stnd (Cy2 blue). Red and green proteins are highly expressed in Ramos and 697, respectively. Blue proteins are negligibly expressed in Ramos and 697 relative to Stnd. White proteins are shared between the three samples (no difference). Yellow proteins are highly expressed in Ramos and 697 relative to Stnd. Turquoise and purple proteins are negligibly expressed in Ramos and 697, respectively.